I was leaning up against the doorframe, watching Aelix getting ready. A month later, and I still wasn’t used to us living together. It still felt a little too good to be true, but I stopped questioning my good luck a couple of weeks ago. Aelix was mine, everyone knew it, and I wasn’t going to dismiss my good fortune or act like I wasn’t blessed as fuck.
“We’re just going to my parents’ house,” I reminded her.
Her amber-colored eyes slid my way in the mirror. “To celebrate Cutter and Merritt being pregnant,” she replied. “I’m not going to show up dressed like a hooligan.”
“Do you even know what a hooligan is?” I quipped, walking into the bathroom, wanting to be near her.
“I know that it’s rude to show up to a celebration dressed like you just got out of bed,” she retorted, going back to putting her hair up.
After Aelix had moved in with me that first weekend, I’d taken her to meet Phin and Sheridan the weekend after. Cutter had already dropped by her office unannounced, so I hadn’t had to worry about introducing Aelix to Cutter, though I’d had lectured him on his tactics. Nevertheless, Cutter had also insisted on dinner, so that the girls could meet, which had gone wonderfully. Today, she was finally going to meet Phin, Sheridan, and their kids, and I still wanted to kick my own ass when I thought about how she should have been introduced to them ages ago. Phineas and Candy were also going to be at the party, so I could see how she might be a bit nervous, though she really didn’t need to be.
I stepped up behind her, then wrapped my arms around her waist. “What do you say to skipping your next birth control appointment?”
Aelix’s entire body froze as she stared at me in the mirror. “What?”
“I’d really like my children to grow up with their cousins,” I told her. “Cutter and I are very close like that.”
“I…I just barely agreed…agreed to wear your ring, Cotter,” she sputtered.
“Baby, I already told you how I feel about you,” I replied. “That’s not changing.”
She turned around in my arms, staring up at me like she was seeing me for the first time. “You can’t be serious, Cotter.”
“Oh, but I am,” I assured her. “I’m very serious.”
“You’re crazy,” she whispered.
“I’m brilliant,” I countered.
Aelix shook her head. “This is insane, Cotter.”
“Love usually is, baby.”
“I…I need…I need to think about this,” she said, though not shutting me down completely. “I mean, having kids because your brother is pregnant…that’s not reason enough to-”
“Yeah, let me stop you right there,” I said as I lifted her, then planted her fine ass on the bathroom counter. “I wanted to marry you way before Cutter and Merritt got pregnant, and kids usually come after the marriage, Aelix. This is about you and me, no one else.”
“Cotter, I think I’ve let you take over enough of my life as it is,” she retorted. “We’re going to have to wait on the kids.”
I leaned forward, then kissed her on her nose. “As long as you don’t make me wait too long.”
“You’re so understanding,” she deadpanned.
“I am,” I replied with a smirk. “Let me prove it to you.”
My hands slid underneath her robe, then up the outside of her thighs. “Cotter, what are you doing?”
“Reminding you of how much fun it would be to make a baby,” I quipped lasciviously. “In fact, we would probably have to keep at it day and night.”
“We already keep at it day and night,” she panted quietly, my right hand already sliding in between her thick thighs.
“Hmm…” I murmured. “Then I guess we’ll have to practice some more.”
“Cotter…” she whimpered, though she didn’t stop me, proving once again that she was mine.
The End.