I grinned to myself as I remembered Kent fangirling over meeting the illustrious Cotter Moore. The Moores were famous like Warren Buffett and Jeff Bezos, and since Americans worshipped money, it really was like touching royalty when meeting any of the Moores. It also didn’t hurt that the entire family was easy on the eyes.
Cotter Moore was thirty-four-years-old of male perfection, and if not for the small scar that decorated the apple of his left cheek, no one would be able to tell him and Cutter Moore apart. They both had dark auburn hair, these crystalline hazel eyes, and the exact same dimple on their right cheek. They were also a good six-foot-two, and while I couldn’t speak for Cutter, I knew for a fact that Cotter’s loyalty to working out had that body of his shredded with defined muscle, and what woman didn’t appreciate a six-pack on the man that she was licking from head to toe?
At any rate, as soon as Cotter had gone on his way, Kent had started going on and on about all of Moore Industries’ accomplishments as if the world hadn’t already been aware of what a powerhouse they were. Honestly, had Kent asked me to try to get him a job with Moore Industries, I wouldn’t have been surprised. However, I’d done my part, making sure to downplay just how well I knew Cotter, though I really didn’t know the man well if I were being totally honest. I knew how well he fucked, but that was it. If someone ever asked me what Cotter Moore’s favorite color was, I wouldn’t be able to answer.
Pulling my blouse from my skirt, I stretched my neck, fantasizing about a hot bath. While hot baths were considered a luxury, they really did help with cramps, and the heat was a welcome comfort when feeling frumpy. Only females that have had periods know that feeling, and it’s not a good one. Plus, I still had menopause to look forward in my old age, so…yeah, I wasn’t feeling all that great right now.
As I finally made it to the kitchen to start dinner, I heard the door to my condo open, and I turned around to see Cotter walking in, just as sweet as you please. I tried to remember if he’d sent a text that I might have missed, but before I could think about going back and reaching for my purse to grab my phone, Cotter was speaking.
“I was in the neighborhood,” he said. “Thought I’d see if you had some time for me.”
I cocked my head a bit in confusion. “In two years, when have I ever not made time for you?”
Cotter didn’t say anything until he was standing in front of me, his arm automatically wrapping around my waist. “Did you start your period?”
I flushed.
While I’d been trying to make a point about how we’d been doing this for two years, during those two years, Cotter had learned my menstruation schedule, and I had learned that Cotter Moore didn’t care about blood when he wanted to get laid. Nothing about a woman’s period bothered him, and I still didn’t know if that was hot or disturbing.
“This morning,” I finally answered.
“How are the cramps?”
My suspicions were immediately raised at that question. In the two years that we’d been doing this, Cotter had never asked me about my cramps. He hadn’t ever asked about my day, my friends, my family, my health, my hobbies…nothing.
“Manageable,” I replied warily.
His hazel eyes peered down at me, and my breath hitched as I felt his hand slide underneath my skirt. I honestly had no idea how he could not care that I was bleeding, but he really didn’t. I could remember being horrified the first time that he’d ever eaten me out around the string of my tampon.
“Are we doing this in here or in the shower?”
A shiver ran down my spine, and I wasn’t sure what it said about me that I got turned on by him not caring that I was on my period. “Here’s fine.”
Cotter shot me a wolfish grin. “Fuck, I love how dirty you are.”
He didn’t give me a chance to respond before he had me turned around, already bent over the small kitchen table that fit perfectly in the nook that sat between the kitchen and living room. My condo had an open-floor plan, so the nook had been a cute, cozy, accented addition to the place.
I felt Cotter’s hands pull my skirt up over my hips, and as he removed my panties, I thanked God that my compulsion for being a neat freak made me stock up on disinfectant wipes. Nevertheless, there was no denying that it felt good to know that a man wanted you so badly that he refused to let something like your period stop him from possessing you.
“How do you want it, baby?” Cotter asked as I stepped out of my panties. “I can always fuck that sweet ass of yours if you don’t want to make a mess.”
I felt his finger glide across my puckered hole, and I couldn’t help but moan. There wasn’t anything that we hadn’t done at this point, and all of it felt incredible. Cotter Moore was a god in bed, and he even had the talent to make anal sex as pleasurable as possible. I had no idea how he did it since he was so long and thick, but the man definitely knew what he was doing when his dick was out.
When I didn’t reply fast enough, he slapped my ass, prompting my answer. “I was going to take a hot bath later, so it’s fine if we make a mess.”
Cotter’s body heat warmed my entire back as he leaned over me. “Now, while I love watching you take my cock up your ass, I was hoping that you’d say that,” he said wickedly in my ear.
My hands grabbed the edges of the table as Cotter started tugging on my tampon, him playing with it like he got off on how embarrassing periods were for women. Though I was used to him by now, that hadn’t made this any less disgusting.
The second that the tampon was freed, there was a threat of my leaking down my thighs, but Cotter didn’t care about that. He took the time to drop the used cotton in the trashcan, and I knew that I was going to have to change the trash bag out as soon as he left.
I felt another slap to my ass before the sounds of his zipper filled the room, and that was another crazy thing that I couldn’t fathom. In all the times that we’d done this, unless we’d already been in the shower, Cotter always left afterwards with the mess of me on his groin. Granted, if we were going a few rounds, then he did wash himself off, but the times when it was just a quick visit, he never bothered.
As soon as he slid in, my fingers curled around the table edges tighter, and I had to let out a deep breath as I got acclimated to the stretch. Cotter was very blessed, so no matter what, I always needed a minute, even if I was drenched in blood or his cum. Plus, with my womb as tender as it was right now, I definitely needed to catch my breath as I felt him every-damn-where.
Cotter’s hand slid under my body, then wrapped around my neck, and I moaned as he yanked me upward, so that his chest was pressed up against my back. “I’m going to make you forget all about those cramps, baby,” he said, and if anyone could do it, he could.