I knew he didn't like it when I said sex. He always called it making love, and I was trying my hardest to do that. But it wasn't easy. I wanted to keep my distance by calling it just sex because when this ended, it was going to be brutal. I'd miss him so much.
"There you go again."
"We're not breaking up, Naya, and you need to stop thinking about it constantly."
"Stop reading my mind," I yelled at him.
"Stop being so fucking expressive then," he countered. "Now I've got another hour of work to do. So, good the fuck night."
"I'm sorry."
"Be in my bed naked tomorrow and make it up to me. I'll call you in the morning. Sleep well, Little Warrior."
"Goodnight, Amias."
Chapter 30
My apartment smelled like roses when I came in after midnight. I loved that smell. I loved that she was in my bed. I wanted to ask her to move in with me, but the fact that she didn't even want to spend our evenings at my place meant that it was going to take a whole hell of a lot of work to get her convinced.
I was all in.
The past weeks were the best days of my adult life…or life. This was by far the healthiest relationship I'd ever been in. There was no drama—no subterfuge. She was so honest about her feelings and showed everything on her face to me that it was easy to be with her. The woman who hid everything from everyone—and probably still did, had let me in, and I was honored and so fucking grateful.
I walked into my bedroom and saw she'd left the light on my side of the bed on. We were both used to sleeping in a bed alone—I'd never lived with a woman and didn't have a side. But we'd settled on our sides as we spent nearly every night together. I watched her sleeping on her stomach, the duvet down to her ass. Her skin contrasted against the white sheets, and I was mesmerized by how good she looked in my bed. I had to somehow persuade her to live here with me because, honest to god, I didn't think we could fit in her place. I was being a snob, but factually it was too small, and I liked my space. I'd tried to tempt her with the gym—but so far, she was still resistant to the idea. I'd asked if it was because other women had been here, slept with me—because if that was the case, I could sell the fucking place, and we could buy a new one together. She'd said that wasn't the case; she just thought it was too rich for her.
I couldn't even convince this woman to spend her nights here; I didn't know how I'd convince her to move in and finally marry my sorry ass. It had been nearly three months, and she was blossoming. I knew she felt more confident, I'd seen it in how her eyes didn't always go down at the first sign of trouble between us. She gave back as good as she got. That had taken a while, but we were there now.
The sex was fucking amazing.
I'd never enjoyed being with a woman as I did Naya. She was fun and funny in bed; we made love with abandon. That had taken a few weeks as well. But now she sometimes even walked around me in the mornings in just a T-shirt and panties, not frantic all the time about hiding her legs. They were class-A legs, strong and honed through her Krav Maga training.
Hayes had asked me how bad the scars were, and I said they looked like they must've been painful. But they were just scars; we all had them, and she had a few more than most. He said he was surprised, considering he always thought I was one shallow motherfucker.
"She's a gorgeous woman, Hayes. She's beautiful. Her skin is beautiful. She's a strong woman: mind and body, to have lived through what she did and come out the other side a healthy adult. I don't understand what the hell you mean about me being shallow."
Hayed chuckled. "You're in love with her."
"Fuck yeah."
I took a quick shower and got into bed. I thought for about half a second to let her sleep and then decided the hell with it. I hadn't had her for nearly four nights.
I pulled her to me, her back against my chest. I dipped my fingers in between her legs, bringing one leg over my hip.
"Amias," her voice was thick with sleep.
"I want to be inside you."
She shifted against me, telling me to enter her. It didn't take long before she was moaning, my fingers making her wet. When I was finally inside her, I felt an intense sense of homecoming; something I'd never expected to feel ever—but I felt it every time I traveled for work and came back home and made love with Naya. She had become my home.
"Harder," she urged.
"It'll be over too soon then, and I need to feel you."
I played with her clit, biting her shoulder gently, wanting to inhale her into me, keeping her with me.