"And…Ann mentioned that Amias is uncomfortable when you're around," she added.
I hugged Magnus close. "What?"
"I mean…come on, Naya, everyone knows you have a crush on him. They're almost engaged, so it stands to reason he feels weird that you…you know…."
I kissed Magnus's plump cheek and let him pull my hair that hung loose around my shoulders. "No, Kara, I don't know."
Kara sighed. "He just doesn't like you around. That's all."
"I work in his company." My heart started to hammer hard. Lately, Amias had been respectful and downright professional. He hadn't flown off the handle with me and, in fact, had said I was doing a good job a couple of times in meetings. Even Mila had commented how relieved everyone on the team was because they'd been scared I'd quit if Amias continued his unwarranted public attacks on me.
"He hasn't said anything about that…but I told Nolan that if you screw up, Amias is going to be pissed with him for recommending you."
Magnus squealed, and I set him down. He ran to open the chest where he knew I kept his toys.
"Kara, I don't think you know much about my professional life but I'm very good at what I do." I was headhunted out of school by Google because I'd interned on a project that had blown everyone's mind. I hated that Kara, Amias, Ann…all these MIT people made me feel bad about my qualifications and skills. Kara had a degree in literature and had a job at some travel site that she quit after she had Magnus.
"Whatever. Anyway, I have to go. The caterers will be over soon."
I stared after her even after she shut my front door. Here I was scrimping and saving to pay off my father's bills, and Nolan was busy throwing catered parties. My brother was a douchebag.
Darren, whom I met for lunch with Magnus later that afternoon, agreed. It was a pleasant November day for a change. I'd strapped Magnus on the bicycle, and we'd come to Copley Square to enjoy the sun and blue skies despite the frigid temperatures.
"Nayaya." Magnus took a spoonful of clam chowder and poured as much on his bib as inside his mouth.
"You're doing great, little man." I wiped his face and kissed his nose.
"You know Nolan and Kara take advantage of you?" Darren remarked.
"I know. But I get to spend time with this little angel. They have a party tonight, so they left him with me."
"Does this mean you may miss training tomorrow because Kara might do what she did last time?" Darren raised both his eyebrows and picked up his beer.
I took a sip of my champagne and made a face at Magnus. "I told her not to. But if it comes to that, I'll just take an Uber, drop him off at their place, and come to the institute."
"Just call me and I'll drive you," he growled. "You deserve better."
"Thanks, D. But I get to be with Magnus, and that makes it all okay. I'm probably never having children so at least I get to have him."
Magnus chattered away as I tore some sour bread and handed it to him.
"Why would you say you won't have children?" Darren put a hand on mine.
I moved my hand away from his and drank some of my bubbly. "You know why," I whispered, not looking at him.
"Sparky, not all men will have a problem with your scars, you know that, right? I don't."
"I know. If only you and I could have sexual chemistry."
"Fuck, that would make life so easy. I already love you."
But Darren and I were like siblings, and we'd discovered long ago that there was no sexual anything between us. Our chemistry, alas, was platonic.
"Do you think I have no fashion sense?" I asked while Magnus entertained himself with more soup.
I wiped Magnus's face when he pushed his bowl away. That was his way of saying he was done, and now he wanted a toy. He'd last another ten minutes max on the high chair before he'd want to hop all over Darren, who would indulge him. We did this often enough that we had it down to a science.