Page 11 of It Must Be Love

"I did?"

"Yes." Ethan then proceeded to remind me when, how, and why I'd made that decision. "What's your problem with Naya? She's great. She works hard. She takes care of fucking everyone around her. The team loves her. She picks up everyone's slack, including mine."

"Ethan, she presents to the CEO; she needs to know there can be no errors. You know that," I shot back. "What, she called you crying about big bad Amias?"

"No, jackass, I just talked to Mila; she called me and told me about it. Naya would never do that. Look, I don't know what your problem is with her, but you need to get the hell over it and fast. You do know she was headhunted right out of university by Google? She worked on a project with them, and they were so impressed with her that they hired her."

I didn't know that. Nolan made it sound like his sister was barely competent. I had believed him, and when Ethan kept talking her up, I wondered if he was fucking her or trying to. But when I saw them together it was clear that their relationship was professional, and no way was Ethan cheating on his wife. I also saw Naya's work and knew she was good. This was just me being stubborn and unreasonable—I wish I knew why she evoked such feelings in me.

"What do you want from me?" I asked.

"Treat her well. If she quits because you're being an asshole to her, I'll fucking resign, got it?"

Ethan had been with me from the start of the company; in fact, he had been my third hire, which is why he now had a senior role in the company and a good amount of stock to go with it. I respected and trusted him, and he did me, except he didn't sound respectful right now.

"I treat her fine," I muttered.

"No, Amias, you don't. You're the fairest leader I know, but when it comes to Naya, you turn into a raging asshole. You don't like her, we all get it, but she's good at what she does. She's running Project Phoenix for me and since I'm with my baby, I can't play buffer between the two of you. You need to put on your big boy pants and get an attitude adjustment."

"Hell, Ethan—"

"Just do it, Amias. That's an employee of yours; treat her with respect. I know you know how to do that."

And then he hung up on me, making me feel small and petty.

Chapter 5


My social calendar was empty, except for drinks with colleagues, lunches and dinners with Darren, and the times when Kara made me babysit, not that she had to make me. I loved my nephew. Magnus was the cutest kid and he and Auntie Naya had a whole hell of a lot of fun together.

I didn't mind that Kara and Nolan used me because it gave me a chance to get to know my nephew. However, I did mind that they treated me like I was the help, especially since I wasn't paid for my services. I also minded that they didn't invite me over when they threw parties but asked me to have Magnus stay the night at my place, so they could entertain in peace.

I opened the door of my small one-bedroom apartment when Kara rang the doorbell at eight in the morning. They were having a dinner party and were leaving Magnus with me.

"You have to pick him up by ten tomorrow, Kara. I have an appointment," I warned her. I had Krav Maga at eleven, and I didn't miss that come hell or high water.

"A date?"

"It doesn't matter what it is. You need to pick him up by ten. Last time, you didn't, and it created problems for me."

"You know, if you had a car, you could just drop him off instead of making me schlepp him around," she muttered. "I mean, everyone has a car, Naya."

Well, everyone doesn't have to pay for Nolan and my father's medical bills—that's just me.

Could she hear herself? This was her kid.

"Kara, you know I'm doing you a favor, right?" I said softly. Usually, I let her walk all over me, but the past few weeks had made me feel like I needed to start standing up for myself.

She blinked. "Ah…yes, yes. Thanks so much, Naya."

"So, who's coming for this dinner party?" I asked casually as I picked up Magnus and nuzzled his neck as he giggled.

"It's Nolan's friends…the usual crowd," she replied airily and then paused as if realizing just now how rude it was that as family I wasn't invited to such events at their home. "I mean…ah, you don't even like dinner parties."

I had no idea where she got that idea.

"It's fine, Kara." I swung Magnus, which made him burst into laughter.