At the same time, I sent her a text. I couldn’t let it go and let her smile sappily at him without reminding her of what she was missing.
Me: Remember to let him know you like your ass spanked when you’re getting fucked from behind.
I would’ve bet my Bugatti she would blush when she read it. I was grinning to myself, sitting down with my MacBook to fire off a status report on our progress, when my phone buzzed.
Rose: Could you please have a little decorum, for God’s sake? Now is not the time.
Me: But it’s the time for you to try to get into his khakis? I thought this was a workday. Make up your mind.
Rose: I’m turning off the phone now.
Me: But your boyfriend misses you already…
Rose: Grow up.
I tossed my phone onto the table with a growl and forced myself to work on the reports, though my thoughts were miles away. No, not that far. A few hundred feet, the distance from where I sat to the café.
Minutes passed.
This wasn’t me checking the time and keeping tabs. What could they have to talk about for forty-five minutes? The crew went outside to eat lunch, leaving me alone in the building, and still she wasn’t back. My hand moved toward my phone, prepared to shoot her another message, but good sense stopped me.
I didn’t beg a woman.
That wasn’t me.
Yet there was no keeping my heart from beating double time when her heels clicked against the hardwood floor. What the hell is up with me? I stood before she rounded the doorway and charged at me, slamming her purse onto the table, murder flashing in her eyes. “How immature can you be? There I am, trying to have a conversation, and all you can do is?—”
Before she could say another word, I took her by the waist and yanked her close, covering her mouth with mine and silencing her tirade. Coffee and sugar lingered on her lips. I plunged my tongue into her mouth, reminding her what she’d miss once this was over.
She didn’t bother trying to fight me.
I backed her against the wall, then lifted her left leg and draped it over my hip. Caressing her ass, I nipped her lower lip, rolling my hips and driving my dick against her pussy. She whimpered helplessly, and something roared in my head. Something triumphant. She was mine. She didn’t know it yet, was all.
When she arched her back, I slid my hand up her side and cupped her tit. She thrust her hips, humping me, and for one crazy second, I considered seeing where this went. How far we could go. My cock was hard as steel and aching to sink inside her tight sheath.
It was the sound of footsteps as one of the guys came in from lunch that convinced me to stop. Not much else could have—maybe the entire building falling on our heads. I let her up for air but kept her pinned where she was and watched as she blinked away the haze I’d wrapped her in.
“Tonight,” I growled out. “I expect you at my house by eight o’clock sharp.”
The narrowing of her eyes was a challenge. She thought she could fight me. “What if I don’t care what you expect?”
“We both know that’s a lie.” Running a hand down her side, I took hold of her hip and pulled her flush against my erection again. “Don’t allow me to show you what happens when I don’t get what I want when this is so much better.”
I knew before I let her go, she would be there. I could practically feel her resistance melt under the heat of my touch before taking mercy and backing away.
“You might not want to hold your breath,” she insisted, straightening her clothes and running a hand over her hair to smooth it down. “I don’t like being told what to do.”
“You don’t seem to mind when I tell you to come for me.”
As I walked away, she gritted out, “Asshole.”
I laughed over my shoulder. “Tell me something I don’t know, boss.”
This was what my life had come to. Obeying Colton’s wishes, driving down to his family’s house because he told me to.