Page 30 of Seductive Hearts

What a shame that blissful haze didn’t last forever. Almost as soon as the wave subsided, regret started filling in the empty space.

He rolled away from me with a sigh, flopping back with his head against a pillow. Without saying a word, I got out of bed, wincing at the soreness that came with every step. I thought I heard him chuckle, the arrogant prick, but ignored it on my way to the bathroom to clean up.

Now I knew what it meant to be thoroughly destroyed by Colton Black. How was I supposed to go back to sleeping with normal, ordinary men after him?

What was I thinking?

I splashed cold water on my flushed face, so cold it stung.

He was one man.

One ridiculously hot man.

Ridiculously well-hung.

Ridiculously, insanely good in bed.

But he was not the end-all, be-all. No matter how much my still-quivering pussy wanted to believe otherwise.

I left the bathroom with renewed confidence, reminding myself what this was all about. He was reclined with his hands folded behind his head, making his biceps bulge, while a sheet barely covered him from the hips down. He was living, breathing sex, and he stared at me like I was a feast he couldn’t wait to enjoy.

“I think we need to get a few things straight,” I announced before either of us could do anything stupid, coming to a stop next to the bed.

One of us needed to be the mature one here.

He pursed his lips, lifted his brows, and sent fresh hunger slithering through me like a snake. I had to get a grip on myself before I forgot what I started talking about in the first place. “Well? Illuminate me, boss,” he teased in a low voice that damn near made my toes curl.

I had to ignore the smart-ass remark. “Nobody can ever know about this. For many reasons. Our families, your sister, my brother. It would be…”

“A fucking headache,” he concluded, nodding. “Agreed.”

“When we’re at work, we keep it professional.”

He nodded again. “No arguments there.”

“We’re just having a good time, right?” I was starting to lose my nerve. Maybe because I really and truly heard myself. I was making excuses, rationalizing, but the alternative was never having him inside me again, and I couldn’t handle that idea.

He lifted his shoulders. “You know me. I’m all about having a good time. I don’t do relationships, remember? And you still have your sights set on a third-rate version of me, so we both have plenty of reasons to keep it casual.”

“That’s right.” Was it wrong, though, to sort of wish he would put up an argument? He didn’t have to be so quick to agree.

His dick was twitching beneath the sheet by the time he sighed. “Well? I’m pretty sure I said something about all night long. Do you think you can handle me?”

I honestly didn’t know, but I was willing to find out.

Nothing and no one could’ve stopped me from trying.



“Looking good.”

Last week was the first week of renovations for the store. Sure, it had potential, but part of me wondered whether we could pull off such a complete transformation in a handful of weeks.

There was still a long way to go, but as I examined the work done to wall off the back third of the space to create offices, I couldn’t ignore a feeling of pride. No, I hadn’t framed the walls or put them up, but I’d watched it happen. The skill and speed with which the crew worked left me with a grudging admiration for whoever did the hiring around the company. I knew it wasn’t my father since he didn’t bother with shit like that. It was beneath him.

“The day’s early too.” Rich, the foreman, looked up from the blueprints spread out over a worktable. “You think the boss will be happy with it?”