Page 4 of Seductive Hearts

I knew what I was doing.

All he had to do was follow orders and keep the workers in line.

It was amazing. The things I could tell myself when I needed a little confidence. All that flew straight out the window the moment Dad’s office door opened, and his assistant ushered Colton Black into the room.

When was the last time we had been in the same place?

A year, maybe more. Time wasn’t enough to make me forget how gorgeous he was. Nothing short of complete amnesia would do that. His dark, almost swarthy good looks combined with an exceptional body and the graceful way he carried himself were enough to take my breath away in those first moments while he shook Dad’s hand and they exchanged a few pleasant words. “Ari, so nice to see you.”

There was something I had forgotten, though. Something that slammed into me in the most unpleasant way possible. How could I forget the way his deep voice affected me? Once I caught my breath, my pulse took off at breakneck speed. My palms went clammy. My nipples went hard. Saliva flooded my mouth, and I swallowed quickly before putting on something as close to a smile as I could manage. “Colton.” I thrust a hand forward before remembering the clamminess.

It was too late for me to pull back.

Colton’s much larger hand wrapped around mine, his forehead wrinkling, but that might have been a trick of the light. It was smooth again when he drawled, “Miss Rose Goldsmith. It’s been too long.” His rich voice was like velvet or maybe warm honey poured over me.

The telltale heat in my core only got hotter when he flashed a dazzling smile.

Get it together.

I withdrew my hand and resisted the childish impulse to wipe my palm on my skirt. Then, Dad asked us to sit in front of his desk. I settled in but was anything but comfortable, thanks to Colton’s nearness.

It had been years since I was young and stupid enough to fall for him. Somehow, his being here after all that time passed hadn’t changed a thing.

“There isn’t much for us to discuss,” Dad announced as he sat in his high-backed chair. He looked like the king of New York that way, sitting on top of everything while the city sprawled behind him. “I was hoping to go over the generalities before Rose walked you through the specifics. She can get you up to speed regarding our needs and timeline.”

Dad looked my way, and I had to turn my attention from the cologne Colton was wearing. Whatever it was, it was almost enough to curl my toes. “Yes, I’ve arranged for lunch in my office,” I explained with a brief but courteous smile.

“Wonderful. It would be nice to catch up a little too.” Colton crossed one ankle over the other knee—the picture of comfort and confidence. How did he manage it? “Though I should tell you, Dad was generous enough to provide me with the files you already shared. I burned the midnight oil, acquainting myself with your needs.”

My cheeks flushed when he looked my way. There couldn’t be a double meaning behind his words. Could there? He wouldn’t be that stupid. Then again, maybe I was giving him too much credit. I couldn’t afford to make that mistake now more than ever.

“That’s good to hear!” Dad was all smiles as he turned my way. “I knew this was the right choice. And we do like keeping things like this in the family, don’t we? So to speak.”

“You know the Goldsmiths are as close to the Black family as my Uncle Connor or Aunt Evelyn,” Colton reminded him with all kinds of warmth and charm. Meanwhile, I sat there wondering whether ten years had changed the taste of his lips.

I shook it off in a hurry when he shone his warmth on me. “And Rose, here, is practically my sister.”

“She’s practically your sister.” He was screwing with me, using the words his mother had when she found us that night after his birthday party.

Until she’d come outside, it had been the most exciting, incredible moment of my life. The fulfillment of every naïve schoolgirl fantasy. Colton had been starring in them for years, ever since I was old enough to start noticing boys. Until then, he had been the only one I ever so much as looked at.

But then Lourde had found us. In the end, it didn’t matter because before dawn the following morning, he’d already moved on to another girl. Some nameless nobody he’d been photographed groping in an after-hours club he’d been too young to visit.

I had cried for a week.

When I forced myself to meet his gaze, humor twinkled in his dark eyes. I wasn’t going to flinch. I would not back down. “That must be why I keep getting the urge to give you noogies,” I retorted with a sweet smile.

The slight widening of his eyes was more satisfying than any kiss could be. What, he thought I was going to sit back and let him taunt me on my home turf? Obviously, I had made a mistake and overplayed my hand at some point. He knew how I felt about him, or at least how my feelings had changed. He might have been a complete idiot, but he wasn’t stupid. He’d noticed how I went out of my way to avoid him.

If he were waiting for me to crumble like a stale piece of cake in the face of his magnetism, he would be waiting a long time.

“Colton, we are so glad to be working with you.” If my father had any hesitations about this, he did his best to hide them. Standing, he reached out to shake Colton’s hand again. “I have nothing but faith in you, you know.” Damn, if he didn’t sound like he meant it too. I couldn’t fathom how.

“Thank you, sir,” Colton replied. “If only my father saw it like you do.”

The men shared a knowing grin. They both understood Barrett well. “He wouldn’t assign you this project if he didn’t know you could handle it. Besides…” Dad added, winking at me, “… Rose here will keep everything in line.”

“I have no doubt.” Colton looked my way and raised his brows in expectation. “Well? I’m in your hands,” he offered.