Page 16 of Seductive Hearts

“I wouldn’t miss it.” I probably would. I didn’t give a shit about politics and fundraisers. The only reason he wanted me there was to beg for money. And given our history, I had no doubt he would think of it as a victory, having me on the guest list.

He always did have a thing for comparing us. I could count at least five girls off the top of my head who he’d fucked after I had but didn’t give a shit about before. If I got a new car, he had to get a newer one. If he told people about the car, it was always in comparison to the model I happened to drive. He was about as difficult to see through as a piece of plastic wrap.

And Rose was looking up at him like he was fucking Superman with a ten-inch cock. Now, I wasn’t so flattered by her wanting me, knowing she wanted this bland piece of nothing too.

“I’ve been in the area a lot more now that we’re working on the new store,” she told him. “Maybe we could get together for coffee sometime? Talk about your campaign?”

He shrugged amiably. “Sure. You have my number, right?” Before she could reply, he reached into his pocket and withdrew a business card for her, then handed one to me—Landon Jones for State Senate. “I’d better go. Dad’s across the street, and he hates to be kept waiting. I’ll have the invite hand-delivered to you!”

“I’ll be working on Rose’s new store,” I called out as he retreated. For some reason, I needed him to know I’d be around. “Have it delivered here.”

I watched Landon jog across the street, lifting his hand to an approaching driver as he did. He shook hands with an older woman coming out of the café after holding the door for her, and they exchanged a few seconds of pleasant conversation before he headed inside. Definitely a politician.

Long after he disappeared, Rose stood with her back to me. Almost like she knew what she was in for. “Let me get this straight,” I prompted, staring at the back of her blonde head while flipping Landon’s business card in my hand. “You tell me you’re seeing somebody, and that’s why I need to keep my hands off you, but then I watch you practically stand on your head to get Landon’s attention. You even asked him out for coffee. Exactly how attached are you to this guy you’re dating that you can throw yourself at Landon?”

“You couldn’t have done me one favor, could you?” Her shoulders fell before she slowly turned, and the look of pure resentment she wore would’ve made me laugh if I wasn’t confused. Rose didn’t strike me as the type to screw around on a boyfriend. If she was, why the fuck would she choose Landon Jones over me?

“He’s about as exciting as a decaf latte,” I snapped. She opened her mouth, ready to argue, but I shook my head. “No way. You’re not changing the subject. I want to know. Are you dating someone, or was that an excuse to get me off you? Because you sure as hell aren’t dating Landon Jones from the looks of it. So, which is it?”



Throughout history, most big moments probably came down to a second here or there.

If a batter swung a split second earlier or later, there would be no home run. If a driver decided to beat the red light, they could cause an accident. Somebody could hit snooze one time too many and inadvertently show up for work late on the day their boss was going to offer them a raise.

I had just gone through one of those moments. And I had made the wrong decision. But then nobody knows at the time when a seemingly meaningless, low-stakes decision will turn out to be pivotal.

I should have let him go. I should not have followed him outside. He was bound and determined to get in his car and drive off like a petulant little brat, and I had stopped him. Because of that, we had crossed paths with Landon.

Now, my lies were coming back to haunt me. What a shame Colton wasn’t the kind of person to let things go.

“I have nowhere else to be right now.” He didn’t bother hiding his judgment, scowling at me like Noah sometimes did. Like he was my protective older brother when the man was anything but.

I rolled my eyes as I nudged my way around him, intending to go back into the building and grab my purse. “I don’t owe you an explanation.”

“Are you cheating on your boyfriend? Because I’ll tell you…” Colton drawled suggestively as he followed me inside. “I could show you a much better time than Landon could ever imagine. The way I heard it, he’s never met a woman he couldn’t disappoint.”

“I didn’t know you were acquainted.” I made a big deal of slinging my purse over one shoulder, accidentally on purpose, letting it smack Colton before digging around inside like I was looking for something. Anything, so long as I didn’t have to look at him.

I could have died of embarrassment. It was one thing to get caught in a lie, but something like this?

“We went to school together,” he informed me. “What about you? Are you hoping to become better acquainted with him?”

God, I hated him. “You’re having a lot of fun with this, aren’t you?”

“I’m not. Because the way I see it, I witnessed you trying to get into Landon’s pants when you’re already spoken for, or that was a dumb excuse you offered a couple of days ago.” He raised his sunglasses once again, folding his arms. He thought he had me cornered.

“Maybe I wouldn’t have had to come out and say that if you could’ve taken no for an answer,” I pointed out.

“It was a lie,” he scoffed, looking incredulous.

“Not exactly. Just listen,” I insisted. Of all people to hold themselves in superiority over me. What a joke. “I was thinking of Landon when I told you I was involved with somebody. Really. It was Landon I had in mind.”

“You’ve lost me.”

“I don’t know how much clearer I can make it. I’m interested in Landon. I want to date Landon.” Not half as much as I wanted to die, having to admit all of this to Colton.