Page 11 of Seductive Hearts

“I’d love to come, but, honestly, this store is really sucking all my energy. I have to be on.”

She let out an exaggerated sigh. Being a successful businesswoman herself, I knew she’d get it.

“Really?” she wailed. “Can’t my brother pick up the slack?”

I hadn’t really discussed my dislike for Colton with Sienna, and I always avoided discussing him.

“He is, but there is a lot on my plate right now. Can we meet up after the store opening?” I pleaded. “You know I want to make my parents proud of this, right?”

“I know, I know. Jesus, all right. No fresh dick for you then.” I let out a bark of laughter. “Although, with Landon as your husband-to-be, I wonder if any fresh dick would cut it anyway? Hmm…” she added. “Have you been stalking him again online?”

“Oh, way to go,” I grumbled. “Make me sound like a predator.”

“Honey, we’re talking about the Manhattan scene here. Either you’re a predator, or you’re prey. Believe me…” she continued, “… not that I would ever blame you for stalking that man. Landon Jones is sex on two legs.” I couldn’t help but laugh at her assessment, though she wasn’t wrong. “But I need to tell you, girl. Now that he’s announced his candidacy, the competition is going to get very stiff, very fast. There’s a whole city full of women sharpening their claws, ready to sink them in deep.”

She wasn’t telling me anything I hadn’t already considered, but I brushed it off with a laugh. “Whatever. I have a leg up on all of them. Our families have a long friendship, so we’re not strangers. And you know there’s going to be plenty of fundraisers at his family estate in East Hampton, where I will just so happen to be spending a lot of time once the new store is open.”

“You’ve given this a lot of thought,” she noted. “You’ve really got your sights set on him, huh?”

That was putting it mildly.

“I want something real,” I concluded. “I have everything else figured out. My dream job, my dream apartment, and the best friends in the world.”

“Thank you very much,” she joked. “But I thought you were too busy thinking about the new store to worry about fresh dick.”

“It’s not like I’m going to be the one laying brick or installing windows,” I retorted. “I think I can handle figuring out a way to get Landon’s attention while also overseeing construction.”

“Actually, it might help if you ran around in a hardhat, wearing a toolbelt. Landon, can I get your help? I have a screw that needs driving,” she announced in a breathy whisper.

I pressed my lips tight together and fought back a grin. “That doesn’t even make sense,” I pointed out.

“Maybe you could tell him you’re looking for fresh wood?”

“Better,” I admitted. “But still not quite right.”

“Hmm…” She paused. “Something about getting nailed?”

That was what broke me. “Okay,” I managed between bursts of laughter.

“I’m going to message you later, and you’re going to wish you came to my party!”

And with that, the line went dead, and my thoughts shifted to the wrong man.

If your brother shows up with a girl, don’t tell me about that. Because even though I knew Colton Black was all wrong for me and always would be, that didn’t mean I needed to hear how easy it was for him to forget me and move on to somebody else.


It had hurt bad enough when he did it the first time.




People went out of their way to get up this early?

Dear old Dad.