Page 18 of Silver Splendor

The blinding light of two azure suns forced me to squint as I stepped onto the metallic ramp leading down from the ship. A light breeze ruffled my matted brown hair as I inhaled the crisp, unfamiliar air of Valose for the first time. My heart pounded with equal parts exhilaration and uncertainty as I took in the lush, thick jungle on one side and the domed city on the other. Off in the distance, jagged azure mountains jutted up against the horizon, cutting through wispy blue clouds.

And surrounding us, was a small army of Valosians all in various attire from kilts, breechcloths, and bare feet, to leather pants with fur trim.

"It's beautiful here," Leah gasped from beside me, her wide eyes reflecting the wonder we all felt.

I nodded, a lump forming in my throat. Valose was stunning in its own way, but it wasn't home.

Beside me, Bridget inhaled deeply. “The air here is so fresh, not like smoggy LA air.”

“Downy fresh.” Lucy lifted an arm and grimaced. “Unlike us.”

As the remainder of the women made their way down the ramp followed by the Valosians, they chattered excitedly about our new surroundings. No longer confined by the cruelty of Gorka, I should have felt relieved, even joyful. Instead, a profound sense of loss began to churn inside me.

Ever since waking up alone and afraid, I hadn’t had time to miss Earth or my family. Now that we were safe, all I could think about was getting back home. Getting back to my life and my friends, picking up where I left off.

I shook my head, pushing the melancholy thoughts away. I had survived the mine on Gorka, I could wait a little longer to be reunited with all that had been stolen from me.

This planet, with its jagged peaks and alien jungle, was just a pit stop on our way to Earth. Once the Valosians were settled, the golden skinned males would fly us all home. After all, we were earthlings. We didn’t belong here. We were strangers on a strange planet. Maybe a meal and a shower, then we would be on our way.

Before I could dwell further on leaving this place, two males wearing intricately patterned kilts broke ranks from the circle of Valosians surrounding us. As with all Valosian males, their appearance was striking, with pointed ears that added an otherworldly charm to their chiseled features. Long silvery-white hair cascaded down their backs, shimmering like moonlight against their muscular build. One of them bore a radiant design etched in the center of his chest, a glowing emblem, emitting an ethereal light, a similar symbol shared by a select few males among them.

"Greetings," one of the Valosians said in a melodic voice as the two approached us with welcoming smiles. "I am Maxxon and this is Nullar. We are medics and need to scan all of you for any dangerous microorganisms before we can allow you inside the dome."

Maxxon's large, silver eyes crinkled at the corners as he regarded us warmly. Despite the boxy device he aimed at us, something about his gentle demeanor put me at ease.

Nullar gave a slight bow before starting at the opposite end of our group of ten, sweeping the same device over each woman. When it came my turn, I instinctively took a step back only to run into a wall of warm muscle. Gunnox had been standing behind the entire time. A silent sentinel guarding my back.

I’m here to protect you,the words he had mouthed to me as he was being whipped ran through my mind.

His hand landed on my shoulder in a comforting touch as he began to softly purr. “It’s all right. Nullar won’t hurt you.”

I eased into the solid presence of Gunnox behind me, his unwavering support a welcome relief as were the soothing vibrations pumping from his chest. After shouldering the weight of my struggles alone for what felt like an eternity, I craved the solace of leaning on him, allowing myself a moment to surrender and find respite in his steadfast embrace.

Nullar scanned Gunnox first then swept his scanner over me from head to toe. The medic cast a curious gaze on Gunnox and then me before moving on to Leah.

Leah's voice lowered to a whisper as she leaned in, her eyes sparkling mischievously. "Is Nullar hot, or is it just me?"

The medic’s pointed ears perked at her covert comment. I knew from my brief chats with the Valosians we had slaved alongside that they had super sensitive hearing. Going by the flushing of the tight knit scales on Nullar’s cheeks, I was certain he had heard Leah’s comment.

“It’s just you and don’t get too comfortable, Leah, we aren’t staying,” I replied, Gunnox stiffening at my back.

“You sure about that,” Lucy arched a brow and cocked her head at the dome, “because those girls look pretty damn comfortable to me, especially the pregnant ones.”

I looked in the direction she indicated and froze. Just inside the dome, a group of human women gathered. A few sported rounded abdomens and glowing designs that peeked above the neckline of their knee-length dresses. Dresses made from the same cloth as the male’s kilts.

“Out of the frying and into the fire,” I muttered. Had we simply exchanged one form of captivity for another?

I tamped down my sudden panic. Maybe those women had chosen to stay here. Surely the Valosians didn’t mean to keep us here forever.

Once everyone was scanned and deemed safe to enter the domed city, I was reluctant to step through the portal that seemed to open in the wavy shielding as if by magic. The other women willingly went inside to be greeted by the smiling girls. Leah and Bridget hung back with me. I wasn’t the only one harboring reservations.

“You have nothing to fear, Sarah,” Gunnox reassured me, his purring intensified. “The city of Huren is perfectly safe.”

“I’m sure it is.” I shuddered, pushing away the Gunnox’s soothing effects, and watched as everyone hurried inside. The emaciated Valosians leaned on the arms of their brethren as they were helped along. Even after Nara and Zorin ambled in, my feet stayed planted firmly in place. Tyrk and Ruze were the last to enter leaving me, Leah, Bridget, and Gunnox loitering just outside the threshold.

“What is it?” Gunnox inclined his head, the weight of his lustrous locks cascading down to his shoulders. “I can feel how worried you are, but there is no need to be afraid.”

My eyes followed the path of his fingertips circling over his sternum. I had done the very same thing. I gave my head a firm shake. It wasn’t possible to feel another’s emotions, it just wasn’t. What knotted and swirled inside me after the first time I had laid eyes on Gunnox had to be my trauma-induced imagination.