"I considered that, but we are gaining on the Lizordian," I say as my hands fly over the console, pushing my ship's engines to their max speed with the rillium fueling them. "My brother Behtu is ahead of us but not by much. I'm worried if we disengage now, Behtu will have to intercept on his own, and we don't know how many reavers are aboard that vessel. Better we have the numbers than him going it alone and losing. This could be our best chance to get our females back before he lands on Valose."

"I'm going to rip that Lizordian to shreds for taking my Zoe." Mordox grips the arm rests until his knuckles crack.

"Get in line," I grit out.

Groans and the trudging of many feet reverberate off the metal floor behind us. The unconscious Ziarians we left inside the hauler are now awake and coming to join us on the command deck from below in the cargo hold. Their bodies marked by the violence of our battle against the Lizordian.

"That you, Mordox?" One of the males limps over to catch himself on the back of Mordox's seat. "You're a green blur."

"Blink hard, Rooke," Mordox turns in his seat to look at the male. "Your vision will clear soon enough."

"Where're we headed?" another says from behind me.

"After our mates," I answer him without turning around.

"Is it wise to let the Kaul fly the ship?" the male behind me asks.

"It's my ship, remember?" I bark out, and glance over my shoulder to catch a glimpse of bright yellow hair.

"His mate was taken too, Drax." Mordox releases his seat strap and stands. "Sit, Rooke, before you fall over."

"Why were you on Zune?" Drax holds his injured arm and moves to where I can see him.

I remember the male taking a blaster hit to the arm just before my sivot ordered the males back to protect the females. His yellow-streaked hair is a tangled mess around his horns and hangs limply down the sides of his head.

"Pfft, a little late to be asking me that now." I glare. "I was there to collect one of your medical cuffs."

"You mean steal?" grouses a male with purple-streaked hair as he shuffles over to join Drax.

"Hard to steal what isn't there," I counter, wondering what had become of the many medical cuffs that were once inside the prison compound's storage room on Zune.

"Coruthian cunts," he curses and slides to the floor to lean against the console. His purple-streaked hair falling over one eye, he winces, attempting to rise but falling back with a hiss of pain as the blaster wounds on his thighs protest. "What did the Lizordian do to us?"

"Frele darts by the feel of my headache." Mordox rubs at his temples.

"Why don't you appear affected?" Drax snarls at me.

"Rapid healing abilities," I say. "A benefit of my awakened sivot. We're lucky the Lizordian didn't finish us off while we were down."

"Why didn't he kill us?" Drax meets the eyes of every male, seeking an answer.

"Depleted laser blaster," the male with blue and black hair answers. "Just before I succumbed to darkness, I noticed the blaster at his side no longer glowed."

"Feels like I've been kicked in the head by a Tarkian mule," Bruke mutters, touching the blaster burn on his leg. His amethyst eyes smolder with a mixture of anger and determination. "That scaled fuck had better not have harmed my Romy. I'll tear his head from his neck and piss down his throat."

"Not before me you won't," Rooke groans from the seat beside me. "I will have my turn to avenge my Darcy."

"We will all have a turn," I vow.

"Tasha claimed to have awakened your sivot, Kaul?" Drax inquires. "How is that possible when sivots haven't presented in forever?"

"I'm not entirely sure," I answer honestly. "Maybe because human females are so vulnerable with their delicate skin and fragile bodies. And what of you? How is it Ziarians are compatible with humans?"

"I would guess the same reason as you," Mordox interjects. "The first moment I laid eyes on my Zoe, I was struck with a single-minded purpose to protect her. Nothing else matters except her safety."

"We share a common goal, and that's to rescue our females before the Lizordian can make it to Valose," I say.

"Valose?" Rooke squints at me.