She rose up and threw her arms around his neck, holding on for dear life. If she was dreaming, she never wanted to wake up. She wanted to exist in this dream world where Ewan’s arms were securely around her and she could smell his strong masculine scent.

He crushed her to him, his hand stroking her head, shaking and making a mess of her already unruly hair.

“Ewan,” she choked out. “Oh God, Ewan. Ewan.”

His lips found hers and he kissed her desperately, as if it were the last kiss they’d ever share. Their lips tangled and her tears slipped onto their tongues. She breathed him in, the last breath she wanted to take. She lived in this moment, reaching for everything she’d lost, for everything she wanted most.

“Shh, don’t cry, lass. You’re breaking my heart. We don’t have much time. I’ve got to take you from this place.”

His words penetrated the heavy grief surrounding her. She stared up at him, afraid to believe he was real, that he was there and not a figment of her dearest fantasies.

He picked her up from the bed and carried her toward the window. He leaned out and she clutched at his shoulders as she stared down at the dizzying distance between her sill and the ground.

“Listen to me, sweeting,” he said in a gentle voice. He brushed his lips over her temple and held her tightly against his chest. “We’re going down a rope from your window.”

She raised her head in alarm. “Ewan, I can’t! The babe. I’m too big and clumsy.”

He cupped her chin and stroked his fingers over her cheek as he stared down at her. “I’ll be with you every step of the way. I’m going to lower you down first. Alaric and Caelen wait for us at the bottom. If you fall, they’ll catch you. I need you to trust me.”

She reached up to touch his face, her love and faith soaring in her soul. “I’d fly if you asked me to.”

He kissed her hard and then lowered her to the floor. He wasted no time securing the rope around her foot so that it fit her like a stirrup. Then he strung the rope from her foot to her hands, looping it around her wrists and palms so she gripped it tight.

The other end he tied to his waist and he took position just inside the window.

“Step onto the sill, sweeting. Very carefully put your feet against the wall of the castle and keep them there so you don’t scrape against the st as I lower you. Try to remain upright.”

’Twas insanity, what he was asking her to do, and yet she climbed onto the ledge, holding on to his shoulders for dear life.

He grabbed the rope just inches from her hands and braced himself as she started to climb over. Inch by inch she lowered her foot until it scraped against the side of the stone wall.

“That’s it, lass. Go slow and be careful. I’ve got you. I won’t let you go.”

Sliding over the sill was the hardest thing she’d ever done. And then she simply let go. She spiraled downward, hitting her feet against the wall as she struggled to gain her footing. She threw back her head and saw Ewan fighting with all his strength to slow her descent. The rope had to burn his hands and yet he hung on.

She jammed both feet against the wall and gripped the rope with all her might. Halfway down she finally managed to control her descent by walking down the wall with her feet. When finally she neared the bottom, Alaric and Caelen reached up and grabbed her waist. They lowered her to the ground and quickly untied the rope so Ewan could pull it back up.

“How will he get down?” she whispered urgently.

They ignored her and stared upward, waiting for Ewan. Several long minutes later, she saw his dark figure coming down the rope, hand over hand, his feet against the wall as hers had been.

When he reached a safe distance, he dropped the rest of the way, landing with a soft thump beside her. She reached for his hands and, as she suspected, they were torn and raw. Her throat swelled and she kissed each palm, holding them reverently in her own hands.

“Let’s go,” Alaric hissed. “Gannon is waiting with the horses.”

They ducked and ran toward the stone skirt in the distance. Alaric tossed up another rope and the hook hit the stone ledge at the top with a clink. Wasting no time, Alaric scrambled up the wall and lay along the top, his hand extended down for Mairin.

Ewan hoisted her high over his head and urged her to reach for Alaric’s hand. Their fingers glanced off each other before Alaric finally captured her hand and slid his fingers down to grasp her wrist.

Ewan pushed upward and Alaric pulled her up with incredible strength.

“Grab onto the ledge and pull yourself over,” Alaric hissed.

As he swung her up, she lunged for the top of the wall and rolled up so she was head to head with Alaric.

“Listen to me,” Alaric said. “Sit up and straddle the wall. As quietly as you can, scoot back until you give Caelen enough room to scramble over. He’ll go down and then you’ll drop down next. I’ll stay up to help Ewan over. His hands are too damaged to climb up another rope.”

With some hesitation, she swung one leg over so she straddled the wall and quickly pushed herself back until there was enough space for Caelen to climb the wall.

Moments later, he swung over the top and then dropped down on the other side.

“Take my hand and I’ll lower you over the side. Listen for Caelen and when he tells you, let go. He’ll catch you,” Alaric instructed her.

Swallowing back her fear, she grasped Alaric’s hand and slid over the side. She dropped, her feet scraping the side of the wall to slow her momentum. Alaric caught her wrist and nearly pulled her arm from its socket.