The inside of the keep sparkled. The floors and walls had been washed. The candles in the ceiling fixtures had been replaced with new ones, and light danced shadows along the ceilings.

Sweet-smelling flowers ridded the musty odor of sweat and dirt, and Mairin had taken furs from the bed chambers to line the floor in front of the great stone fireplaces.

The smell of simmering stew had tortured Mairin for the last hours, as Gertie had prepared the rabbits that Ewan and his brothers brought back from the hunt. She was drooling over the idea of a hot piece of crusty bread straight from the oven.

Ewan had tried to get Mairin to take to their bed hours before, but she’d been adamant that the tasks be done since they didn’t know exactly when Laird McDonald would arrive.

“It looks wonderful, my lady,” Maddie said proudly.

Mairin looked over to where Bertha and Maddie stood and she smiled. “Aye, it does. It looks nothing like before. Even with the repairs that must be done and the damage from the fire, no one can find fault with our work.”

Bertha wiped a stray hair from her forehead. “The laird will be proud to welcome guests here. You’ve performed a miracle.”

“Thank you both for giving up your night to help me,” Mairin said. “You and Maddie tell the other women to take to their beds and not to worry about rising before noon. The other serving women can take over your duties while you rest.”

Both women nodded gratefully and hurried off, leaving Mairin alone in the hall.

Mairin surveyed her handiwork one more time before she turned and trudged toward the stairs. She’d not exactly kept her word to Ewan. Her side pained her considerably, and she hoped she hadn’t torn any of the stitches, but the truth of the matter was, the work needed to be done, and it wasn’t fair to expect the women of the keep to work long hours if she herself wasn’t willing.

She felt great satisfaction in the role she’d taken on. The women had worked long and hard but with a cheerful spirit. They had gone to great lengths to please Mairin, and een adaman turn pleased her.

For the first time, this felt like home. Her home. And she felt truly a part of the McCabe clan.

She eased into her chamber, but she needn’t have bothered. Ewan was awake and dressed and was just finishing putting on his boots.

He frowned when he caught sight of her and immediately stood, his hand going out to steady her when she swayed.

“You put in far too many hours,” he admonished. “Are you in pain? Did you tear your stitches?”

She leaned her forehead on his chest, content to remain there for a moment as she collected herself. He swept his hands up her arms to her shoulders and squeezed.

“You’re going straight to bed, lass. I won’t have any argument. And you aren’t to rise until the McDonalds arrive. Are we understood?”

“Aye,” she mumbled. She wouldn’t even have to pretend to obey that order.

“Come, let me see your wound.”

He guided her toward the bed and, with gentle hands, divested her of her clothing.

“ ’Tis a sin how expertly you rid a woman of her clothing,” Mairin grumbled.

He smiled as he turned her to her side. He thumbed over the stitched area and frowned when she flinched.

“ ’Tis red and swollen. You’re not taking proper care, Mairin. If you aren’t careful, you’re going to end up in bed with a fever.”

She yawned broadly and fought to keep her eyes open. “There’s too much to do to be abed with fever.”

He leaned down and kissed her forehead, leaving his lips there a moment. “You don’t feel warm to the touch. Yet. Sleep. I’ll have one of the women send up hot water for your bath when I receive word the McDonalds have reached our border.”

“That would be nice,” she murmured sleepily, but she had already lost her hold on wakefulness and she surrendered to the darkness.

Mairin came awake to a knock at her chamber door. She blinked to brush the heavy veil of sleep aside, but it felt as though someone had poured sand in her eyes.

“Lady McCabe, we have your water for your bath,” came the call from the door. “The McDonalds will arrive within the hour.”

That woke her up.

She shoved aside the bedcovers and hurried to answer the summons. The women carried in pails of water and soon Mairin was immersed in the comfort of hot water. As much as she would have loved to have soaked until the water chilled, she hurried through the washing of her hair.

Two of the maids remained to help dry and brush out her hair. Mairin was fidgety and agitated throughout the process. She was nervous. This was her first real test as the new lady of the keep.

She didn’t want Ewan or the McDonalds to find her lacking.

She dressed in her wedding finery and descended the stairs an hour later. The hall was bustling with activity, and Ewan stood talking with his brothers near the high table.

When she entered, Ewan looked up and saw her. The approval in his eyes made her spirits soar. He gestured for her to come to him and she hurried over to stand next to him.

“You’re just in time to greet our guests with me,” he said. “They arrive in a few minutes’ time.”

Ewan led her from the hall, his brothers following behind. When they reached the courtyard, the McDonald soldiers were filing over the bridge and through the courtyard arch.

She was of course biased, but the McCabes presented a much more impressive sight.

Ewan stood on the steps with Mairin by his side, as the man in front dismounted and gave Ewan a nod.

“ ’Tis good to see you again, Ewan. ’Tis been far too long. When last I was here, your father greeted me. I sorely regret his passing.”