Page 17 of The Queen's Denial

Chapter 9


I’ve always enjoyed sex. I’m not going to pretend I’m some buttoned-up, prim and proper young woman just to make others feel better. I’m very straightforward about the fact that I like a nice, hard, satisfying fuck, and I like it often. But sex with Andy… this new kind of sex that he’s introduced me to… I’m insatiable for it.

No man has ever treated me this way without getting a slap across the face in return. Andy is teaching me — training me — to be better at something I always thought I was a pro at already. To get the most pleasure possible, even if it drives me crazy sometimes. And he’s so good at it that I’ll do just about anything he says.

For the next two weeks, my father is in Japan on business, already back to the grind, which leaves Andy here at the house, free to fuck my brains out day and night. There is tons of time to teach me all sorts of new fun things.

Andy loves to role play, so I dress in all my favorite outfits for him, at his request. Once in a while, I change it up in order to reserve some sort of pitiful hold on control, and I surprise him. He acts like he would rather I follow his every order, but I know he likes my choices, for the most part. I think he’d approve of anything, as long as he got to use my body for whatever he wanted afterward.

Today Andy wears a suit and tie, horn-rimmed glasses that he swears up and down he just happened to find in his safehouse, although I’m certain he’s gotten them just for these games we’ve been playing. To finish the ensemble, he wears shiny black dress shoes. I wear one of my many schoolgirl outfits. They really pay off for skits on TikTok, so I have plenty to choose from, and he loves every single one of them. Today I’m a modest schoolgirl, with thick tights and a knee-length pencil skirt.

“Have you ever wanted to get fucked in the library, Chee-chee?” he asks me on this particularly hot, sex-filled day. My father barely ever comes in here, but even if he did, he knows I have fun. He may give me a whole lot of direction and remind me of my role in life often, but we stay out of each other’s affairs as far as sex is concerned. The library just happens to be two doors down from my suite in this mansion, and a lot further from his.

I avert my eyes from Andy’s, because I’m about to lie to him. Of course, we’re supposed to be playing a game, and it’s okay to make things up, but he’ll probably know I’m playing the role. “No, sir. No, I’ve never had sex in a library before. I just enjoy reading the books and studying for midterms.” I’ve had sex in this library many, many times. But at least I’m making sure we do it in one of the aisles that I’ve never fucked in.

There’s a glint in his eyes as I tell my fib, but he pushes past it, fingering the buttons on my plaid cardigan. “You know, you must be hot, wearing so many layers all the time.” He effortlessly undoes a button by laying his finger on it and pushing down, like a skilled pickpocket.

“Oh, thank you professor,” I say, in my meekest voice, as he unbuttons the rest with one more dip of his finger.

He pushes the cardigan off my shoulders, dragging his fingernails down my arms. “Isn’t that better, my dear?”

I swallow and nod, darting my eyes up to his face. I can’t help loving the look that he gives me. The one thing Andy doesn’t hide from me — and the only thing I’m always certain about when it comes to him — is his desire for me. His eyes burn right through me.

“Now, Ms. Yan, I have to ask. Why are you in the sex ed aisle of the library? Kama Sutra? Are you curious about this?”

I feign a wide-eyed, innocent gaze, looking all around me at the timeless classics that are definitely not about sex. “Oh my. I must’ve gotten lost looking for the 1900’s American History section. I was just trying to study for class, sir. I swear!” I know this is just a character I’m playing, but I’m really into it today, and I even feel my cheeks heat in embarrassment for this poor, dumb bitch who’s about to get pile-driven into the stacks by her professor’s huge cock.

Andy takes my chin and pushes it up. “My dear, you’re so flushed. You need to cool down. I can help you remove all of these excessive items of clothing.”

And then he’s kissing me, and pushing me against the bookcase. The books fall everywhere as he pulls my clothes off.

“Professor, won’t you get in trouble if they find out?” I ask breathlessly.

“I have tenure; they can’t fire me.”

I’m pretty certain that even a professor with tenure can get fired if they find him fucking a student in the library, but who am I to argue semantics?

“Sir, the ethical and moral implications of doing this while I’m a student in your class—”

“Shut up, you little cock tease. You know you want this too.” This is the part where he gets carried away. He stops acting like some nice, sweet lover and turns into a mean, severe, take-no-prisoners tyrant. I’ve never been wetter in my life.

“Sir, we—we can’t. If someone hears...” He smothers my mouth with his hand and holds my head in place so that I can’t move an inch. Not that this meek little bitch I’m playing would move an inch anyway.

“You’ll just have to be extra fucking quiet then,” he says, as he pushes me down to the ground, one hand still thrust against my mouth, and then the other pulling my braids. “I swear to God, if you make too much noise and alert someone to what we’re doing here, you’ll fail my course.” He releases my hair and rips my stockings off, groaning when he realizes I’m not wearing underwear. “Ohh, I know your secret now, Ms. Yan. You’re a dirty, filthy little thing, aren’t you?”

My breath stutters and I shake my head ever so slightly, truly feeling the fright and worry of being caught with my hot professor in these stacks of books.

“Yes, you are,” he says, as he sticks two fingers inside me and stretches me open. “God, you’re so tight. Are you…” he looks directly into my eyes, and I think each time he really forces himself to believe his next words are true, just a little bit. “You’re a virgin, aren’t you?”

I allow my eyes to widen, but say nothing.

“Ah, you are. It’s my lucky fucking day.” The first time he said it, I broke character and laughed, and I had to endure an entire hour of edging until he finally let me come. So now I keep a straight face, which is easy to do, considering his huge hand is covering most of it anyway.

“I am going to rip this tight pussy open. You want to see what you’ll be taking today?” He doesn’t wait for my answer — he never actually wants one. He hurriedly undoes his slacks and shoves his extremely hard cock in my face, slapping my cheek with the velvety softness.

I think he believes this to be some kind of manly, demeaning, testosterone-filled move, but I love his cock in my face. It’s beautiful. Just the right length, perfectly straight, with ridging that hits every fucking button in just the right way. The thickness makes it a bit harder to fit into my mouth, but it just makes it better when he shoves it inside me.