I want to wipe that notion from his head. He’ll always be worth my tears and anything else I can possibly give him. He’s worth more than that, really, because I can’t even give him everything he truly deserves.
But I will have to try.
I ask about Mara and Cas, and Andy gives me the rundown on their condition. They’ve had such a rough go of things, and I really do feel for them. He doesn’t suggest I go to see them, though, and I don’t bring it up. The truth is, I want to stay here with him. I want to make sure he gets better.
After two hours and a shot of morphine, Andy is shooing me out. “Chi, I am clearly not at my best right now. I don’t want you to have to deal with me like this.”
I shake my head from side to side. “No way, Andy. I’m not leaving unless they drug me again and force me out.”
Andy is silent for a moment.
“Are you thinking of asking them to do that just to get me out of here?”
He looks at me sheepishly, and I swat his arm. But I’m not actually angry, and I know he wants me to stay.
“I’m staying until you’re better. I don’t care if I have to sleep on this hard chair.” I scrunch my nose as I try to get comfortable on the cold metal, and when I lean into it, something pokes into my back.
“Yeah, sure, Princess. You’re about to sleep in an old metal chair.”
“You know, I happen to be exhausted. I’ve barely slept these past few nights, and I got shot up with something earlier that is probably seriously throwing my brain chemistry off.”
Andy’s head turns down, looking a little guilty for a moment, before he shakes it slowly from side to side. “They’ll never let you stay here, Chi.”
I smile at him and lean back into the discomfort of the cold metal. “Seems like you have some sway in this joint, no? I bet you could put in a good word for me.”
He shakes his head in disbelief again. “I can’t believe you just fucking strutted into this place. You’re insane.”
I sink further into my chair. I really am exhausted.
Andy sighs. “Come over to me.”
I peek open one eye and cock it. “Hm? Oh, do you need something?” I sit up straighter, at attention. “I’m going to take care of you even better than you took care of me.”
He closes his eyes and chuckles. “No, I don’t want anything. I just want you to come here.”
I look at him skeptically, shuffling a few steps closer. “I don’t know how much closer I can get without—”
He grabs my hand and yanks it over to him. “Get in here with me.”
My brows furrow together. “No way, Andy. That’s barely a double bed and you need your rest—”
“Chi, get in this bed before I hurt myself trying to drag you into it.”
I sigh and sit down, my ass barely touching the edge of the bed. He yanks me again, this time by my upper arm, and it takes me so much by surprise that I nearly crash right into him. Thankfully, I stop myself right before I do and look at him sternly.
“You want me to lie down with you?”
“It’s not about whether I want you to or not.” I can see Andy’s adorable grin, even under the stitches down his face, and I can’t help but relax a bit. “I don’t want you sleeping on that hard metal chair.” His smile grows. “Your father would kill me if I let you do that.”
I let out a little huff of a laugh. “Something tells me he’ll never find out about anything we do here.”
Andy’s eyebrows raise to his hairline. “I better heal up quick then.”
Chapter 19