I close my eyes and allow her words to sink in. She loves me.

It’s the first time I’ve ever said these words and the first time anyone has ever said them to me.

I’m going to have to talk to Callum because Anya is mine.

It’s time everyone knows.

Chapter 23


It’s been a few days since Griffin and I confessed our love for one another, and yet, we’re still hiding our relationship. I honestly don’t understand why.

Every time I try to bring it up, something happens, and another day passes where we keep our relationship a secret.

I head downstairs on the day of the Mayor’s party, and my mother’s in the kitchen. “Hey Mom, I’m heading to the brewery to set up for tonight.”

“I put all your chocolates in a box. I can’t wait for the committee to see how much work you’ve put into everything.”

I nod. “I just hope everything goes smoothly tonight.”

My mother’s warm smile gives me comfort. “It will.”

I hug my mother, thinking about what Griffin said about his own family. I couldn’t imagine growing up that way, and the thought of it makes me love Griffin even more.

“You look happy,” my mother says, and I laugh.

“I am happy.”

“Wouldn’t be a six-foot-two young man making you happy, now is it?”

My eyes widen. “No,” I say, but it’s totally a lie.

“Anya, I know you haven’t been sleeping here at night. I’m not going to pretend you’re staying with Willow every night.”

I cover my mouth as a huge smile splits my face. “I am staying with Willow.”

My mother places her hands on my shoulders. “I’m not stupid.”

I drop my hands. “I know, it’s just we’re trying to keep it a secret.”

“Secrets have a way of making themselves known.”

I nod. “I know. Honestly, I don’t even know why we’re waiting.”

My mother steps away to grab the box of chocolates. “I would suspect it isn’t easy for Griffin to come clean with your brothers. But I’m sure they’ll see how much Griffin cares about you. I think he always has. I remember when you came home once for college and Griffin was here. The way he stared at you.” My mother clutches her chest. “I’ll never forget it.”

“Really?” How come I’ve never noticed?

“I think he’s always had a thing for you.”

Goosebumps cascade all down my arms. “I wish I’d have known.”

My mother’s smile is wide. “No, it’s much better this way. You both are finally in a position to be able to give each other the things you both need.”

“Did you know about his home life?” I ask my mother. “When he was growing up?”

“Callum once told me it wasn’t good there. I’ve only seen his mother in passing. The grocery store. The shopping centers. I’ve only seen his father once, and he scared me.”