“That’s it, Anya, come on me and take my orgasm.”

I dive into her a few more times and I can’t fight it anymore. My balls tighten and my body stills as I come hard, digging my fingers into her soft flesh.

“Fuck,” I groan.

I pull her against me and we hold onto each other as we catch our breath. I can feel her heart racing and I’m sure she can feel mine.

“That was hot,” she whispers, kissing my neck.

“You’re hot,” I say, kissing her soft lips.

She smiles against them and I slightly pull back, raising an eyebrow. “We didn’t even make it into the house,” she says with a laugh.

I grin and pull the top of her dress back up to cover her perfect tits. “That’s because the connection between us is so intense we can’t control ourselves.” I pull myself out of her causing us both to flinch. “Plus, my neighbors got a free show.”

We both laugh, but she quickly stops. “Wait, do you think they really saw us?” she asks, looking around.

I dispose of the condom quickly, and button my jeans as I help her off the hood of her car. “I doubt it, but it would’ve been a hell of a show.”

She smiles at me, wrapping her arms around my neck. “This side of you is sexy as hell.”

I lift her and she wraps her legs around me. “Such a dirty girl. I think it’s time to clean you up in the shower.” I kiss her quickly as I walk to the front door. “After I get you good and dirty.”

Anya and I did in fact only get a little sleep last night. Neither of us regretted that this morning. The only thing I regret was letting her leave. I know she had a lot to do today, but I wanted her to stay, because waking up with her is euphoria.

Unfortunately, she left and I’ve been lying in bed reliving the last few days, with a smile on my face.

My phone disrupts my thoughts and I sigh, grabbing it off the nightstand.

Paxton: Sunday dinner at Mom and Dad’s. Everyone must be there.

Brock: Aren’t we always there?

Paxton: Check the text, dipshit. There are others included.

I never turn down an invite to an Atwood Sunday dinner.

Tripp: Who else is included? I don’t have the numbers saved.

Paxton: That means you don’t need to have them saved.

Anya: Why are my friends invited?

My heart races as she replies. Her friends? I know we’re keeping this a secret but damn that word friend hurts.

Paxton: Lake is my friend who happens to be dating your friend.

I shake my head, feeling like a fool. Of course she’s not talking about me. I’m Callum’s friend, not hers.

Shepherd: Obviously I’ll be there.

Lake: Willow has told me about these dinners and I’m excited and nervous to be there. Thanks for the invite, I think.

Paxton: You haven’t lived until you’ve experienced an Atwood Sunday dinner.

Brock: Millie, are you coming?

Hartford: Maybe you should’ve texted that to her in private, haha.