As for Carol and Don. They welcomed me into their home with smiles on their faces. That’s just how they are. They love having a full house and welcome anyone at any time. Their door is never locked.

“This is it, man. All these years of talking about starting a brewery and it’s really happening.” Callum squeezes my shoulder as he grins. “I told you when you’re focused and determined anything is possible.”


Callum jumps up as all the Atwood’s rush to the front door at the sound of Anya’s angelic voice.

“My baby girl,” Carol says, rushing toward the front door with her arms outstretched.

Don and the boys are loudly talking and I hear a soft laugh drift around the corner. I can’t see them, but I can hear the happiness in their voices. It makes me smile, just feeling like I’m a small part of it from another room.

Anya walks into the dining room and the wind is knocked out of me.

Holy fuck.

I haven’t seen her since her freshman year of high school and wow how she’s grown up. She’s a knockout.

The tight shirt and jeans she’s wearing show off her body, which up until right now I never would’ve noticed. But now I’m noticing, and I can’t pull my eyes away.

She’s always been pretty, but she’s gorgeous now. Her big green eyes, full lips, and long brown hair, somehow seem matured, in the best possible way.

I stand up as she makes eye contact with me. “Anya, you’ve grown up,” I say, wrapping her in a hug that is a little too tight and lasts a little too long.

“Hey, Griffin,” she replies, almost like she’s out of breath.

I force myself to let go of her, which is harder than it should be. My eyes run up and down her, which I swear causes her a chill. “How’s school?”

“It’s great. Couldn’t love being away from all these boys more,” she says, laughing as her brothers join us.

“Please, you miss us,” Brock says, wrapping his arm around her.

I can’t keep my eyes off her. It’s impossible.

Even as we sit down for dinner, I can’t help but constantly glance in her direction. I may even have laughed a little too hard at something she said, causing everyone to look at me. I played it off by coughing, but it was embarrassing.

“Mom, this meal is outstanding as always,” Callum says.

“Truly, thank you again for having me,” I say.

Carol smiles, waving my comment away. “You’re always welcome, Griffin, you know that. No thanks needed.”

“Boys, clear the table since your mother did all the cooking,” Don says, grabbing a few plates.

All the Atwood boys and myself, get up and clear everything off the table.

Carol and Anya continue to sit at the table laughing as they talk. I don’t even realize I’m staring until Callum slaps my shoulder.

“Griff, you good?”

I try to act unaffected as I look at him. “Never better. Can’t stop thinking about the brewery.”

He puts his arm around me and leads me into the living room, away from everyone. He sighs. “You sure about that? It seemed more like you couldn’t stop thinking of Anya.”

“What? No, come on. No, absolutely not,” I say, tripping over my own words.

He lifts an eyebrow as he shakes his head. “You can date anyone you want, Griff. I’m always supportive. But my baby sister is off-limits. Starting this brewery, you’re like family now. You get that, right?”

It feels like a knife to my chest, but I’ll never admit it to anyone. It’s just another secret I’ll keep buried inside. “Of course, man. I would never cross that line.”