I can totally relate. I think sex is overrated. That mind-numbing sex they talk about in romance novels isn’t real.
Hartford: I beg to differ. Sex between Pax and me is off the charts. (Sorry Anya)
I laugh, and am grossed out at the exact same time, but it makes me wonder if Hartford is right. Is there life-changing sex out there?
Willow: It’s not just the sex between Lake and me that’s bad. We’ve been sort of fighting a lot.
Hartford: About what?
Willow: I don’t even know, tbh. He’s always sort of controlling.
Dump him. You don’t need that in your life.
Hartford: Controlling in the bedroom is a plus, but not in ordinary life. Do you even see a future with him?
Willow: Not really. It was just nice having somebody. I don’t want to be alone forever. And he’s not controlling in the bedroom. He’s not really anything in the bedroom.
You won’t be.
I put my phone down, thinking about my own life. Will I be alone forever? My head’s been a mess since I put it all out there on the line with Griffin. How had I read the signals wrong? I replay our interactions over and over, trying to pinpoint where I misunderstood his intentions. The confusion and disappointment are like a weight on my chest. Whatever the case, I read them so wrong.
I finish towel drying my hair, tossing on a pair of jeans and a cute red top that hangs off both shoulders. The color is vibrant, a stark contrast to my mood. I don’t bother putting on makeup because it’s just a normal night at home. The natural look seems fitting for how exposed I feel after everything with Griffin. I have to work this weekend, and after dinner, I plan on getting a hold of Griffin to discuss the menu. Despite everything, work must go on, and I need to maintain some sense of normalcy.
As I head downstairs, the voices become clearer, and I realize there are more people here than just my parents. I step into the dining room and see Griffin and Callum setting the table. My heart skips a beat, and I freeze at the doorway, momentarily taken aback.
“Hey, Anya,” Griffin says, his voice sounding more confident than I feel.
“Griff? What are you doing here?” I ask, trying to keep my tone neutral, though I’m sure the surprise is evident on my face.
Callum snaps his eyes to mine. “Mom and Dad went out. They asked Griff and I to babysit you.”
I park a hand on my hip as I slowly slide my eyes to meet Griffin’s. “Is that true?”
How embarrassing.
“She didn’t ask us to babysit. She’s just worried about you.” Griffin’s kind eyes slay me, and it makes me relive the moment he denied me play out again in my mind.
“She thinks you’re depressed,” Callum says, with his usual sneer. “Are you blue?”
“Shut up.” I’m going to let my mother have it when she gets home. How could she call them? “Well, I’m not sad, so you two can go home.” I try to shoo them out of the dining room, but Callum stands still.
“I’m fucking starving. I’m not going anywhere.” Callum sits at the head of the table, and Griffin and I take a seat on either side of him, across from one another.
I can’t even look at him.
“Hey,” Griffin says, holding the salad bowl in his hands. “Do you want salad?”
I snatch the bowl from him. “Thank you,” I say reluctantly.
“When are we doing this horse thing?” Callum asks after swallowing his bite of lasagne.
“We don’t have to go.” I finish plating my salad, and grab a roll from the basket. “It was a stupid idea.”
Griffin takes the bowl from my outstretched hand, and his finger grazes across my pinky. And it’s like lightning strikes. “No, I think it’s a great idea. We’re excited about going,” he looks at Callum. “Right, Cal?”
Callum shrugs. “I guess. Sure, why the fuck not.”
I can’t understand why Griffin’s trying to make me feel better. Ugh, it’s because he denied me and now he doesn’t want to hurt my feelings. Just like a big brother would do.