
That’s ridiculous. Griffin is a nice guy. A complete cinnamon roll. He’s not the type to play around. I think.

I don’t know him that well, but what I do know is he isn’t that guy.

He shakes his head and his brown eyes bore into mine. “I guess I don’t have fun either.” He lets out a tiny laugh. “Callum and I are more alike than I thought.”

“You and Cal are nothing alike. He’s all work all the time. I’m sure you have days off and have fun.”

He raises his eyes to stare at the ceiling before settling back on me. “Honestly…”

My eyes widen. “Oh my god, Griffin. Do you not have fun on your days off?”

“What’s a day off?”

“Griffin,” I nearly yell. “You need to take some time off. You can’t work twenty-four seven. It’s not healthy. What do you like to do?” I ask him.

He shrugs. “Besides cooking?”

I crack a grin. “Yes, besides cooking.”

“Umm, I guess I like to play golf sometimes.”

I twist my nose up at the notion. “Not golf. That’s boring. Why don’t you, me, and Callum go do something on your next day off. Something fun.”

He blinks at me.

“As friends,” I rush out, not wanting him to get the wrong impression. “You both need to add some excitement into your lives, and I’m just the girl who can do that. I have Tuesday off next week. Do you think Callum can get the day off? Can you?”

Griffin smiles. “Callum can take off any day he wants. He’s the boss, and yes I can take that day off too.”

“Great, then it’s settled. We’ll go blow off some steam.”

What am I asking him to do? Is this wise? He’s been a family friend for years, and for some reason, the thought of him sitting at home all alone does something to my insides. Makes my chest clench. A sadness grows. I want to help him in some small way.

I have no idea what we’ll do, but that doesn’t stop me from saying, “Leave it to me. I’ll plan everything.”

Chapter 6


I slip my shirt on and look in the mirror. A sigh escapes me as I pull it off, tossing it on the bed. I can’t hang out with Anya wearing a shirt that says ‘Let Me Hear You Say Yes Chef.’ To play it safe, I pull out a navy blue plain t-shirt.

Today Anya, Callum, and I are supposed to go have fun. She hasn’t told either of us what the fun is, but I guess that’s supposed to be part of the fun. I have no idea.

Honestly, until Anya pointed out that I don’t have fun, I really didn’t notice. For me, cooking is fun. It’s my release. So, it never occurred to me that I should be doing other things.

I’ve given some thought to what Anya was saying about Callum feeling lonely. It struck a chord with me because he’s the reason I wasn’t lonely for most of my life. No one should feel lonely.

My phone alerts me and I grab it off my dresser as I leave my bedroom.

Paxton: Thanks for the invite today.

Callum: You can come and I’ll go into work.

Pax, come with us.

Brock: What did I miss?