As soon as he leaves I head back into the kitchen to look for the birthday cake.
“I’m going to take the cake out on this table with wheels, and everyone can sing happy birthday, and then we’ll bring it back here and cut it,” I say to Patrick and Gabby.
Griffin steps closer. “I also made some tarts, chocolate covered strawberries, and mini cannolis. You can set two plates on each table.”
I look at the plates of dessert. “They look amazing.”
Griffin raises a brow. “Next party you should make your own chocolates to serve.”
My chest warms that Griffin even thought of this. I have to admit, I’ve had a few thoughts about serving my own chocolates at parties, but didn’t want to assume anything. What if Callum hated the idea?
“Thanks,” I tell him, and then for the rest of the party, we’re a mad rush of dishing out birthday cake, clearing plates, serving coffee, and making sure the guests have a great time.
Once the party is over, and the last guests have left, Gabby and Patrick finish cleaning, and I head into the kitchen.
“How was it?” Griffin asks, the party ending way after the restaurant has closed.
So, Griffin’s the only one around.
“It went great.” I’m holding the finalized receipt of the bill, and smile. “The party brought in an extra five-thousand of revenue.”
Griffin takes off his chef coat, and I laugh a little when I see the t-shirt he’s wearing underneath. There’s two kitchen knives crossing with the words, ‘Nobody’s better with their hands than a chef’ scrawled across the front.
It makes my mind wander. Is he good with his hands? Would he know just where to touch me? How to touch me?
Griffin notices the silence stretching between us, and sets his chef’s coat down on the stainless steel prep table. “Everything okay?”
I’m sitting here gawking at him, and I realize I need to close my mouth. I snap it shut, and smile. “Everything’s perfect. I should make sure Patrick and Gabby make it out okay.”
“I can walk everyone to their cars.”
“That’s okay. Patrick can walk Gabby to her car. I’m going to input the numbers into the computer, but let me check on them first, make sure they got everything done.”
“I’ll be here,” he whispers in a throaty growl, and it makes my body tingle.
I’m not even sure why. It wasn’t anything sexual.
I head back into the event room to make sure Gabby and Patrick are all done, once they leave I make my way back to Griffin.
“Why don’t you do the numbers tomorrow? It’s late,” he says.
“Are you kidding? I don’t want to give my brother any ammunition for not keeping this event room going. Besides, I want him to come in first thing tomorrow morning and see the sales the party made.”
Griffin laughs. “You know that mother fucker checks the sales from an app from his phone. He’s probably sitting in bed right now, waiting on the numbers.”
“Knowing Cal, you’re probably right.”
Griffin runs his hand along the stainless steel. “It’s kind of sad, isn’t it?”
Griffin moves an inch closer. “Being all alone. Callum’s never had anyone. He’s lying in bed all alone. I’m guessing it gets lonely.”
“Well, you’re alone. I don’t think you’ve ever even dated anyone.” I try to recall if he’s ever brought a girl around.
“A few girls here and there. Nothing serious. But Callum doesn’t even go out and have fun.”
“Do you have fun?” And by fun does he mean sleep around? Is Griffin a player? Like Tripp said about Mr. Charleston. A woman in Florida. A woman here. Does Griffin have women all across the country?