‘If you decide to keep a relationship fully private, it will be a hell of a job to contain leaks and paparazzi. Not saying I can’t help you, but it will depend more on you than me. It’s gonna be a lot of work from your side to watch your backs all the time. In this case you won’t be able to have a normal couple life walking hand in hand on the streets. It also goes without saying that you, Olivia, won’t be able to attend Luc’s matches.’
God, as if a relationship with someone famous like he is would ever work. The way Margot says this all feels like she’s laying all the options I have in my life and I need to pick the one that’s less worse. I inhale deeply and hold the air inside for longer than normal. I can’t even think past today, let alone think about a possible relationship with a famous tennis player and worrying whether I’ll be able to attend his matches or not.
Fuck me.
They’re both watching me, expecting me to say something. So far, all I did was listen, fidget, cross and uncross my legs, sigh and try to breathe.
‘I don’t know what you expect me to say,’ I sigh.
Margot watches us both in neutral silence. Luc closes his eyes briefly and runs his fingers over his forehead.
‘Then, there’s also the option which involves you deciding not to pursue a relationship. In this case it’s pretty simple, I’ll prepare an official press release declaring you’re both only friends. But then, you can’t be seen together again, or it will mess up things even more,’ she says.
I wonder if that’s how it works with all the stars when there are rumours about their love life. This is unbelievable. Right now my head is unable to process all this.
‘I’ll give you two some privacy. We can talk about it tomorrow, or whenever you’re ready. But I’d suggest you do it soon. If Luc wins tomorrow, the media will be all over him, which means you too, Olivia.’ She stands up, making us both stand up too.
I guess one of her job descriptions might include dropping a bomb and leaving before it goes off.
‘It was a pleasure to meet you, Olivia,’ she shakes my hand again.
I almost beg her to stay, because I don’t want to be alone with him right now. I might not be as strong as I was this morning or have the same will power.
‘Luc, give me a call. We also need to prepare for tomorrow’s press conference,’ she also shakes his hand.
As soon as she closes the door, it’s only the two of us in this enormous penthouse and an even bigger elephant in the room. Only now I notice the sports equipment in the opposite corner of the living room, which is as big as my flat. I never realised that this penthouse occupied the entire floor.
‘I know it’s too much to take in,’ he says.
‘It is,’ I sigh.
‘I’m sorry it has to be this way. I know it’s complicated,’ he says.
‘Very, especially when you haven’t been honest about any of this.’
‘I’m sorry,’ his eyebrows furrow.
‘So the phone call, on Saturday—’
‘Yes. She called to ask me who you were because some reporter she knows asked her directly. I told her to try and keep the photos from leaking,’ he says. I can tell by his pained expression and his low voice that this was hard for him to admit.
I sigh in frustration. I don’t even know if I still have the energy to discuss this any further.
‘I like you, Olivia.’ Bang, my heart. ‘I like you a lot. Enough to give you space and respect that you might not want to see me again.’ The way he says it squeezes out every drop of blood in my heart. He sounds as hurt as I feel.
He steps closer. It becomes hard to breathe through this tension.
‘This is a mess, Luc. I don’t want to have to discuss the level of our “relationship” with other people, especially when we don’t even know what it is,’ I let out.
‘I know. I don’t either,’ he pulls me into a hug. I’m so weak and tired and needy I don’t fight it. Instead, I listen to his heart beating against my ear and take in his smell. His nose gets lost in my hair and one big hand finds its way on the small of my back, the other in the nape of my neck. The touch reminds me of how much I crave him, even though I shouldn’t.
‘I need time to think. I can’t do this right now,’ I say.
He breaks our hug and holds my face, his eyes meeting mine. Time stops for a moment, and everything else is nothing compared to the intensity of his gaze. It’s taking a lot of effort not slip my hands in his hair and smash my mouth against his.
‘Good luck tomorrow,’ I say instead, and take a step back. I don’t want things to get even more complicated than they already are.
I turn to leave, and I hear him sigh.