‘Hey,’ I say, avoiding his gaze. Better safe than sorry, I don’t want to succumb to his magnetic blue eyes ever again.
I unlock my door and leave it open for him, but he stands outside.
‘Do you mind if we go to my apartment?’ he says as I place my purse and keys on the kitchen island.
I look at him, puzzled. I just realised I’ve never been to his apartment before, not only during his stay, but ever. Not even when Mr. Sorensen used to live there.
Noticing my confusion, he says, ‘I was hoping we could talk to my media advisor, Margot.’
Of course he has a media advisor. Wait, Margot? The same one he was on the phone with on Saturday night?
I raise an eyebrow at him, not sure what this conversation will involve, but since I’m in need of advice on what to do with the media, I don’t protest.
‘It’s her job to advise what we should communicate to the press. She might be able to help you. You know, with keeping your privacy,’ he says.
‘Or what’s left of it.’ I don’t mean to sound so snappy, but I do.
Our eyes meet, and I’m in dangerous territory. His usual messy hair looks even more perfect, his smell of sex is already lingering in the air and finding its way through my airways. Only now I realise I miss him. In my bed and cooking in my kitchen, and … keep it together, Olivia.
‘So?’ he says, his eyes hopeful.
‘Fine. Let’s do this,’ I say, not in an excited way. I sound like I’m being taken to be tortured.
I follow him up the stairs and on the last steps he says, ‘I forgot to mention, my parents are here.’
Fuck me.
‘Are you kidding me?’ I say, freezing where I am, considering going back to where I came from.
‘They don’t bite,’ he says with a shy innocent grin, the same one from our first encounter in the lift. My heart considers rioting.
I close my eyes and hesitate for a moment, then I decide to keep following him.
I was so not prepared for this.
He opens the door and it feels like my heart’s beating at the speed of light.
I see Maurice talking to a blond woman by the window, she must be Margot, because she looks too young to be Luc’s mum. On the couch must be his parents, and talking to them, standing, is Jules. Everyone stops their conversation when they notice our presence in the room.
‘Hey, Olivia,’ says Jules, already walking toward me with a happy smile washing over his face.
He gives me a kiss on the cheek. He’s so cheerful I wonder if he realises how badly I’m taking this whole situation.
Their parents get up from the couch and walk in my direction. The smile on their faces tells me they might be excited to meet me. I have no idea why that would be, but I take it. Luc’s got his mum’s dark hair, but his stature, dimple, perfect nose and eyes, from his father.
‘Olivia, it’s a pleasure to meet you,’ says his mum first, giving me a hug. She smells so good and bold, I’m pretty sure her scent will stick to my hair where she touched, until I shower again.
‘Nice to meet you, Mrs. Lamaire,’ I say, politely.
I notice Luc’s flushed face in my peripheral.
‘Oh, no. Please, call me Annette, dear,’ she lifts her hand to my cheek and gives it a light pinch, as if she wants to make sure I actually exist. I smile back.
Then his father pulls me into a hug.
‘You look even prettier in person,’ he says.
I feel my whole face burn.