I stop what I’m doing and close my eyes for a second. I hope that when I open them none of this will have happened.
‘You were supposed to leave. I’d miss you for a day or two, then I’d go back to my life. Maybe we’d talk again, maybe not. I’d never have to tell my friends I let you occupy such a big chunk of my time in the past week. They’d never have to find out on the news that I lied to them. And above all, I wouldn’t be all over the news.’
‘Oh. That’s it?’ His face is clouded with disappointment and hurt.
‘Yes, that’s it.’ I’m evil and I know it.
‘Is that what you’re worried about? Lying to your friends? Well, I won’t take the blame for that. You judge me when you also lied,’ his tone has changed, his face flushed with the heat of the sudden mood shift.
I think I finally managed to drive him crazy. And mad.
‘Just go, Luc.’
My heart protests against my mind and mouth. He’s looking at me like he hasn’t understood me right, but the way I stare back tells him he has.
‘Just so you know, the way I pictured things between us … it’s nothing like the way you did,’ he says.
I want to ask how he pictured it, but I don’t. I’m not sure I want to know.
‘Anyways, I’m sorry again. I’ll leave you to it. You know where to find me if you change your mind and decide to talk.’
What does he mean by change my mind? Is he for real?
‘By the way, I’m leaving on Monday,’ he turns around and walks away, leaving me trapped with my own misery and anger.
Chapter Nineteen
As soon as he closes the door behind him I do the least expected thing. I ask Google if he won the match yesterday. He did. I should have known, considering he said he’s staying until Monday.
Was I too hard on him? What did he expect anyway? That I wouldn’t be angry? That I’d be happy to discover who he is through the tabloids of all things?
After our conversation I feel worse than yesterday. My shoulders are heavy with the number of thoughts in my head. I make myself a cup of strong green tea—no smoothie for me today—and start dealing with the aftermath of my life’s mess.
I begin by replying to my family’s messages, letting them know I’m ok, that I’m not dating Lucas Lamaire and that, funny enough, I didn’t know he was famous. No one believes me, of course, especially Dad.
Yesterday at 8:26 pm
Mum: You were with him when you disappeared on Sunday, weren’t you? Those T-shirts on your bed … were his? And the condoms in the trash can too?
Oh my God. Help me.
Today at 6:30 am
Me: Mum! I can’t believe you checked my trash can.
Wait! I just realised she has been checking my flat when I’m not home, because on Sunday Luc and I hadn’t had sex yet, which means she came over some time during this week. Probably on Monday when I was in the office.
Me: Mum, have you been snooping around my place when I’m not here? Since when?
Mum: That’s not the point!
Me: fire and red angry emoji
That’s what I mean when I say she’s a control freak. I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
Yesterday at 8:38 pm
Nate: Thea’s saying we gotta do a double date soon.