‘So you aren’t telling me?’ he asks, folding his arms over his chest squinting at the sun, the light turning his eyes even greener.
‘Tell you what? There’s nothing to tell.’
‘What about you? A brunette, huh?’ I tease him, before he makes me confess about Luc.
He laughs, shyly. ‘Do you like her?’ he asks.
I’m glad my question gives this conversation a whole new direction.
‘She talks a lot, but yes, I like her. But I think you shouldn’t care if anyone else likes her, the important thing is how you feel about her,’ I say.
‘Did Mum say something to you?’
‘She might have mentioned a thing or two, but you know Mum. She always has a lot of opinions,’ I say, hitting his chest with my fist.
‘Yeah, yeah. Well then, I guess I’ll see you next weekend,’ he says, giving me a hug. I hug him back.
As soon as I get home I video call the girls, but I make sure I’m doing something other than talking to them so it’s easier to lie.
I decide I should organise my closet, even though I don’t need it. I’m spraying my favourite vanilla fragrance on the lingerie and they both question me about the hours of my disappearance. They do believe me when I say I was focused working on my new designs and went to bed at the wee hours—it’s a common excuse of mine anyways—woke up late and went for a run. I tell them I didn’t answer my phone because I was too busy cursing at my boss and the next day I was simply too tired to talk about my rage. I guess organising my closet worked, because they totally bought my excuse. I tried not to talk looking at the screen, I’m not that good at lying.
‘Next time you can write us something like “don’t bother calling, I won’t answer you”,’ says Naomi.
‘Yes, ma’am,’ I promise. ‘Now, tell me about last night. Did you get to show off your new lingerie?’
Naomi grins, a gleam of naughtiness in her eyes.
‘Oh, you have no idea,’ says Lexi, who by now already knows more details than I do.
‘Was it as good as expected?’ I ask, curious, making myself comfortable on the couch in the balcony.
‘Better. But I have a confession to make …’ says Naomi.
Lexi and I wait anxiously.
‘I hesitated before going all the way,’ she says.
‘What do you mean you hesitated? I thought you were crazy about him,’ I say.
‘That’s exactly why. I don’t remember the last time I was on a date and didn’t mind not having sex right away. I mean, it was just for a brief moment. We ended up going all the way, but still, this time felt different somehow. It’s as if I was afraid he just wanted a one-night stand and be like all the others, you know?’
‘Wow, I’m shocked. You really like him,’ I say.
‘I think I do.’
I’m so happy for her. Hearing her confessing something like that almost makes me confess about Luc. Almost. It also makes me compare her hesitation to his.
I’m glad I hold my thoughts until the call ends.
With my feet propped up on the railing, I grab a book and begin to read. I’m in a good mood. I enjoy the breeze and the fact that there’s still daylight. I’m thinking of him, actually I’ve been thinking about him the whole day, plagued by last night’s and this morning’s shared moments. Right now I’m wondering if he’s going to show up tonight when I hear someone at the door.
Chapter Twelve
It’s him. Dark jeans and white V-neck on, naughty hungry gaze and furrowed brows.