Page 29 of Heart Match


‘You should visit Monaco sometime.’

‘Is that an invitation?’

‘Would you accept it if it were?’

Luc throws me completely off balance. I flush, and by the way he’s looking at me I can see a dare. The blues of his eyes have turned into flames, and it might have started burning me in the process.

‘Maybe,’ I say.

No, would I? No, I wouldn’t.

‘There’s hope then,’ he says, his face now turning serious, but the blue flames are still pretty much alive.

‘For what?’

‘Us,’ he says, making me let out an unexpected laugh.

I regret not ordering the tequila shots.

‘What could change your mind? About me?’ I ask.

‘Nothing,’ he says.

Oh God.

‘You don’t give up easily then?’

‘You’d be surprised,’ Luc runs a hand through his hair. ‘What could change your mind?’

‘I don’t know, I already told you.’

‘Your answer is unacceptable.’

‘God, you’re impossible,’ I’m burying my face in my hands, hiding from his intense stare. When I look up after a few moments, he’s still glaring at me.

‘Ask me again another time,’ I say, knowing this time may never come and I’ll be able to get away with it.

‘I will,’ he says, and it sounds like a promise.

Chapter Nine

When we get outside, it’s pouring. Luc takes his blazer and covers me, protecting me from the rain. We are holding hands and he’s taking me to the car that’s already waiting for us. Though we were probably under the rain less than five minutes, it’s enough to get his hair wet.

This time, on the back seat of the car, we sit right next to each other, me by the window. He takes my hand in his and rests both on his leg, which is pressed against mine. We exchange smiles and stay silent for the entire ride, our glances, however, speak more than our voices could muster. The minimal skin contact between us is lighting me on fire. He caresses the palm of my hand with his thumb while his serious face keeps staring at me with those blue eyes shining in the dark, city lights catching them every now and then, his hair messy and damp from the rain.

London lights keep flickering into the car as we drive across the city. Raindrops are running down the windows. There’s something about this moment that tells me I’m going to remember it for quite a while. Something has shifted in me and it’s almost palpable, I just can’t tell what.

The way Luc observes me is as if though he has already taken off my clothes more times than I can count, and has kissed every inch of my body. There is so much desire and longing that I’m glad we’re not alone in the car. My heart is finding its way up my throat once we reach the front of the building, anticipation is running through my veins.

He holds the car’s door open for me, and once we’re out, he clasps our hands again. I never hold hands with the guys I go out with. Actually, we are either at my place or the guys’ place, not having romantic fancy dinners or walking the streets together holding hands.

The way Luc is firmly holding my hand right now makes me feel safe, and special. It’s as if he knows what he’s doing, when I don’t. It’s a good feeling, surprisingly.

The lift opens its doors for us, and once we’re inside, I don’t know what’s going to happen. I don’t know if he will press his button and I will press mine and we’re both saying goodnight inside this lift. I don’t know if he’ll invite me to his place, or if I should ask him to go to mine. I’ve been fighting over what I want and what I should do the entire ride home.

We don’t press any buttons, at first. Instead, Luc gently and slowly presses me against the metal walls of the lift, so that I take a few steps back until I feel his hot breath on my face, his hands both on each side of my neck, holding me in place. Goosebumps spread like an electrical current through me. The air is charged and I’m suddenly aware of every hair on my body. His powerful and intense daredevil gaze is holding mine like a magnet. I’m on fire, my face is burning.