‘And the situation is…?’
Oli steps in so close I can smell the light perfume he wears. I take a deep breath in, hoping to etch the smell across my bones.
‘That two nights ago I had one of the best nights of my life, and it was with…you.’
‘That sounds an awful lot like regret.’
‘Not regret,’ Oli adds. ‘I just know it can never happen again. So imagine my surprise when Megan shows me your face on an interview, and I find out it was the same face buried in my arse the other night.’
‘Is that why Megan sent us away, because she knows?’
Oli hesitates, reading the panic that no doubt shines in my eyes. ‘Don’t worry, she won’t tell anyone.’
‘And what about you? Are you going to let the world know of my dirty secret?’
I regret the words as soon as I say them. Oli rocks back a step, pressing himself as far away from me as the lift allows. I step forwards, reaching out to grab his arms. ‘I didn’t mean that - ’
‘You don’t need to explain yourself,’ Oli says, turning his back to me, arms crossed. ‘I get it.’
I don’t know what makes me do it, but I reach towards the wall of buttons and press the one that reads emergency stop. Just as I intended, the lift comes to a halt.
‘What are you doing?’ Oli snaps.
‘Apologising,’ I say before I close into him, turn his body so it faces me. I lean my hips into his, press his spine into the metal wall. And then I kiss him.
My hands thread on either side of his face, tangling in his hair. He tastes as I remembered, sweet as his nickname. I feel myself growing hard against his body, his warmth. I know he can likely feel it too, the way my body pins him to the wall, my tongue working to open his mouth and explore him.
I regret not shaving this morning as my coarse hairs brush across Oli’s soft chin. When I finally pull back, I brush my thumb over his pink lips, clearing away the spit I left behind.
The way Oli looks up at me, cheeks flushed and eyes blinking, I swear I want to tear his denim jeans off and bury myself in him. ‘What…what was that for?’
‘I didn’t mean to call you a dirty secret,’ I fumble over my words. ‘It’s not the you part which is dirty, more the secret, and I…I don’t know how to say it without sounding like a prick, but - ’
Oli leans up on his tiptoes and silences me with another kiss. This one is harder, more frantic and desperate. He threads his arms behind my head and holds me to him. My hands reach down for his thigh and lifts it up. I’ve almost got him hooked around my hips when he’s the one to pull away.
‘I get it,’ Oli says, breathless and lips swollen. ‘Your dirty little secret is safe with me.’
‘Is it?’ I question.
‘Don’t you trust me, Adonis?’
‘Should I, Honey?’
With the back of his sleeve, he wipes his mouth and then reaches and does the same for me. ‘I suppose you’ll just have to find out.’
He presses the button to get the lift moving again, and I almost fall to my knees to plead for just a few more moments of this existence. But alas, life must go on.
We both gather ourselves, straightening our clothing like we’re in some kind of rom-com movie. I have to reach into my boxers and shift my hard cock to the side. I don’t think there is anything that is going to make it soft, not when I can still taste Honey lathered across my tongue.
‘If it is any consolation, I had plans to come to your flat tonight and explains myself,’ I say as we shoot up to the upper floors of the building.
‘You were?’ I can tell he’s surprised from the pitch of his voice. ‘And how were you going to do that?’
I had a plan, and although the outline has shifted with this revelation, I still must see it through.
‘I want to wire you some money,’ I say. ‘If you can send me your bank details, I’ll put the money into your bank by morning, enough that it should see you over. It’s the least I can do for keeping this between us.’
‘Excuse me?’