Nikos looks completely and utterly overwhelmed, tears falling freely down his cheeks now.

‘I’m free,’ he says, like he still can’t believe it. ‘I’m free?’

‘Yeah,’ I say, putting my hands on his face to pull him in for a kiss. ‘You are.’

‘You two go collect yourselves,’ Selina says. ‘I’ll tackle things here for a bit.’

‘Thank you…I just can’t believe I’m free. I’m my own man, for the first time,’ Nikos says simply, and there’s the promise of a lifetime in those words. ‘Thank you both so much. I need to thank this Megan, too.’

‘I’ll do that for you,’ Selina says. She’s tapping away at her phone with her crimson-painted nails, and I have no doubt she’s texting Megan, letting her know exactly what happened. ‘It will be my pleasure.’

‘Oh, and her judo skills are incredible,’ she says, looking straight at me without a trace of irony. ‘I fell in love with her the moment she crushed my head in between her thighs when we were - '

‘Oh my God,’ I gag theatrically. ‘Please, pity me. Not a single word more. She’s like a sister to me, I do not need to hear about her sex life.’

Selina smiles wolfishly, and I have a feeling she and I are going to get along great. ‘Now you two go home. You have a few hours before we’re going to need to start tackling what all this means, and I think you can find something worthwhile to fill the time with.’

‘She’s right,’ Nikos says. He hugs me close. ‘Come on, Oli. Let’s go home.’



I open the door to my apartment, and for the first time, don’t dread the silence waiting for me inside. Because Oli is by my side - actually, he’s in my arms, because I’ve just literally swept him off his feet.

‘What are you doing!’ Oli manages through a fit of hysterical laughter. His hands grasp at my jacket, anchoring himself to me. Although I’d never let him fall. I’ve got him now, tomorrow, and for all the blissfully endless days to come.

‘Mind your head,’ I reply as I duck into the apartment, careful not to bump his head on the door frame.

‘Fuck me,’ Oli gasps as he takes in my apartment. ‘Is this your home?’

I watch the awe in his eyes as he sweeps them over the open-planned living room, the high-tech kitchen and the tall walls covered in expensive art pieces. ‘Truthfully, it’s never felt much like home. But I suppose it does now.’

I put him down on the ground carefully, admiring the glow in his eyes, the way his reaction isn’t born from admiring my apartment, but likely thinking what a waste of money it is. That’s something else I love about Oli, his ability to not be blinded by fame.

‘It’s… impressive.’

‘It’s over the top,’ I say, scrutinising the rooms before me. ‘In fact, I think I’m going to sell up, get myself a small little apartment with a nice view.’

‘But this is your home,’ Oli retorts. ‘You just said that.’

‘No.’ I take him into my arms, embracing him tight. ‘You’re my home, Honey. Home isn’t a construct of brick and mortar, but a feeling. For fear of sounding like a sappy fool, you are that feeling for me. New York, London, Greece - fuck, it could be in the desert surrounded by nothing at all, and still I would feel totally at home if you were beside me.’

Oli is silent as he looks up at me. His mouth parts, his bright eyes wide. I watch his reply turn to ash on his tongue, and I suddenly regret saying so much.

‘Now, that wasn’t the reaction I was expecting,’ I say, forcing out the sarcasm to protect me from what must be coming. The inevitable reminder that I’m moving much too fast.

‘Well.’ Oli withdraws. ‘It’s just we both have our lives. Mine is back in London. And yours… yours is here, or wherever the work takes you. You’re free now. I don’t expect you to nail yourself down to the first twink you set your eyes on.’

I take his face in my hands, loving how small he is in comparison to me. ‘Ask me a million times, and I will always choose you.’

‘Bloody hell,’ Oli squirms with his cute little English accent. ‘What are we like?’

I dip my face to his, holding my lips inches from his mouth. ‘Star-crossed lovers, fated mates, forbidden romance.... I admit I don’t understand the bookish terms you use, but surely we’re something like that.’

‘You’ve been doing your research,’ Oli says, narrowing his eyes.

‘I have.’ I kiss him, laying my emotion and desires out on the line. It’s soft and careful. My lips guide his, parting his mouth to allow for my tongue to enter. I sweep it around his mouth, entangling myself with him, tasting mint and coffee and loving every moment of the contrasting flavours.