‘How did you - why would you…’

Father’s laugh triggers something feral inside of me. A beast wakes, swallowing my fear and panic in a jaw full of pointed teeth, leaving only the urge to destroy. I see red, look at the wall, and smash my first into it.

‘Now, now, Nikos. Calm down. Nothing bad needs to happen if you do as I ask. Give me the money and I will disappear.’

‘You promised that last time,’ I say through clenched teeth. ‘But you came running back for more like the mutt you are.’

‘Pretty boy, that Oli. You should really tell him how dangerous stairs can be… one wrong step and he’ll have a nasty fall. And his house has so many of them. If I was you, I’d be very worried. Considering Mr. Cane has a nasty habit of losing his keys, I’m surprised you keep him on such a loose leash.’

‘If you fucking touch him,’ I growl, no longer caring for who hears, ‘I’ll - ’

‘Nikos, do you really want to play this game again?’

I close my eyes and the scar on my father’s arm is imprinted in the dark of my mind. No matter how I try to calm my breathing, I fail.

‘Five hundred thousand. You have my number now. Contact me when you have the funds.’

The phone call ends, and I’m left clasping the phone to my ear. I can’t remove it, not knowing that my father has just threatened Oli. I don’t care about the fucking watch, but Oli - how my father even knows about us is beyond me. As I lower the phone, I see the photo again, tracing my finger over the figure of Oli in the distance.

This is my fault. I’ve put him in danger.

You should really tell him how dangerous stairs can be… one wrong step and he’ll have a nasty fall.

His warning is clear as day. And I know my father - he’s a man of his word. His threat of stairs and falling is history repeating itself. He has done it before, and he would do it again.

‘Nikos, get in the damn car!’

I turn to Selina, numb to the core. All I can think about is getting to Oli and taking him somewhere safe. My father is a dangerous man - why else would I have played this fucking game with him all these years? But I’m also my father’s son. An apple fallen from the same tree.

‘What was that all about?’ Selina snaps as I climb in next to her on the back seat. She takes my hand and lays it on her lap, inspecting the torn skin across my knuckles. ‘Punching walls. What are you, a brute?’

‘I’m fine,’ I lie, and she knows it.

There is a compartment between our seats which I lift up. A light glows inside, cool air slipping out, revealing a collection of water bottles and snacks. But it’s the mini bottle of vodka that I reach for. Before Selina can snatch it away, I’ve unscrewed the lid and downed the entire thing.

She just stares at me, helpless. Her sadness rocks me to the core. ‘I want to help you. But I can’t do that unless you tell me what’s wrong. You’ve been cagey for months, Nikos. Years. I want to help.’

I’m onto my second bottle before the car engine starts. ‘I need to get away.’

Run away, but I can’t admit that.

‘You need more than a holiday, Nikos. You need to talk, actually talk to me, or someone. Anyone. Whatever is going on, you have to share it.’

I know she’s right, but the only thing I can think about is her mention of a holiday. It’s what I need. I have to get away, with Oli. He isn’t safe if my father knows where he lives.

How? Why? So many questions, and yet I feel like finding out the answers would destroy me.

I look Selina dead in the eye, fuelled by anxiety, adrenaline, and two shots of vodka. ‘Take me to Oli.’

She doesn’t react with confusion, which proves me that she knows about us. Maybe Megan told her, perhaps I made it obvious. Then another thought comes to mind, fuelled by my paranoia.

Was Selina the one to rat me out to my dad? For the right price, would she betray me?

‘Do you think that is wise, letting Oli see you like… this?’

Tears well in my eyes. If the door to the car wasn’t locked, I’d happily throw myself out. At least that way these threats could no longer hold power over me. But then who would protect Oli?

‘I need him.’