I smile harder, which makes Honey’s cheeks stain red. ‘I’ll take that as a compliment then.’
Honey rubs his hand on the back of his head. ‘I’m not flirting, you know.’
‘That’s a shame,’ I say, nervous bubbles popping in my stomach. ‘I wouldn’t mind if you were.’
‘It’s just straight men often think a gay person being nice to them is for ominous reasons. I was simply pointing out that you’re hot in a no-homo kinda way.’
‘Who said I was straight?’ I say without thinking.
Tonight, I can be anything. As I said to him, there is no past. No Nikos Ridge. No responsibilities. I can be anything tonight, and Honey’s presence certainly makes that possible.
‘Well, whatever you are, it doesn’t matter.’
‘No, you’re right, it doesn’t.’
I hold Honey’s stare a beat longer than friends would. I read his embarrassed expression and can’t help but find it endearing.
‘So,’ he says nervously. ‘What do you want to do next?’
Who do I want to do would’ve been a better question. ‘The night is young. Anywhere else you want to take me? I’m all yours, Honey.’
I see it then, a glint in his eyes. I know without a doubt he’s thinking the same thing as I am. Where else can we exist where there’s no crowd, a place we can continue to hide away and play the part of strangers without questions?
A room. Preferably, a bedroom.
‘Well, I have beer at my house, Adonis.’
I swear the way he uses that nickname makes me want to show him just how fitting it is. ‘I like beer,’ I reply.
‘I can tell,’ Honey replies, looking to my empty bottle.
‘Do you know what,’ I say, standing and offering him a hand to pull him up. ‘I think I’ve got room for something sweet. I do like to follow up my meals with a dessert.’
I love the way his voice cracks when he’s nervous. I lean in, breaking the last wall between us. My mouth comes so close to his face that I can smell the salt and vinegar on his breath. It doesn’t repulse me, not even the slightest.
Nor does he pull back.
‘I have a taste for Honey,’ I say.
‘You - do?’
Nothing is stopping me from pressing my mouth to his. Only myself. I know, if I do this, then the story Honey can sell tomorrow morning would really be juicy. Nikos Ridge, fucking a man instead of a leading lady. But maybe that’s what I want. A way to sabotage myself, my career - a way to sabotage my life until it’s no longer beneficial to the man who I once called father.
And maybe it’s even more than that. Maybe I just want Honey for myself.
‘Shall I book an Uber, or do you fancy a walk? I ask.
Honey sheds the nervous glint in his eyes and smiles, as though he’s finally come to terms with what’s about to happen. ‘Whatever gets us there quicker.’
I pull back, noticing how he leans in a little more. ‘I like the sound of that.’
My phone is in my hand in seconds. I pay no mind to the screen full of missed calls and texts and open the Uber app. Honey recites an address and in two minutes our car is booked. Another five minutes and it arrives. In twenty minutes we’re scrambling into his townhouse, greedy hands all over each other.
I was right. Honey is exactly what I need. And from the way his mouth crashes into mine, the feeling is mutual.