“But it’s helping, isn’t it?” He eased my legs down and removed my tunic. Then he climbed over me, his fingers buried once more inside me. His thumb found my clit while his tongue entangled with mine.

He kissed me and stroked me until my orgasm shot through me. Chock that up for number six in one day.

He held me after, and despite his engorged cock, he didn’t press me for more. I throbbed between my legs, but already, his magical cream was performing miracles. The sting had faded, and I no longer felt chafed.

When I woke after napping, I stretched, luxuriating in the heady feel of fur against my naked skin. Every part of me down south felt normal, and I suspected it was solely due to the cream.

I dressed and went outside, finding Jessia sitting in her chair near the unlit fire, two little boys perched on the ground by her feet, staring up at her raptly. When I walked over to join them, she smiled my way.

“You spoke of sharing tales from your people,” she said. “I’d love to hear one if you have time.”

The boys wiggling around in excitement was all the incentive I needed. I perched my butt on one of the big rocks encircling the firepit and told them about a lion cub named Simba.

My story was a hit. Even Jessia giving me a tusky grin after.

“Will you tell us another?” Trevar asked. I’d worked my way to the ground, and he’d crawled onto my lap while I acted out parts with a grim voice for the villain, plus a higher pitched one for Nala.

“Tonight,” I said, easing him aside. “For now, I need to see how I can incorporate my old job into my new life here.”

“Job,” Jessia asked. “You mean a task like hunting or . . .?”

When crystal gods took care of most of your needs, who needed to work? There wasn’t a store where I could buy things even if I had money, something I suspected the Zuldruxians would find as odd a concept as a big box store.

“The pizza the gods offered needs work,” I said. “And I’ve yet to be served bread, biscuits, or a roll.”

Her head tilted. “Rolling what?”


“We sometimes roll down the hill,” Trevar chimed in. “It’s fun.”

“I want to do that with you.”

“You do?” he breathed. “You’re not a youngling.”

“At heart I am. At heart.” I grinned. He was incredibly cute. Everything was cute here, even Franklin who was watching from behind me and Aizor’s home. Did he think I didn’t see him there? “I can’t expect your gods to deliver everything I need,” I told Jessia.

“Our needs are few.” She laughed. “We are well cared for, however.”

“Other than . . .” Funny how I hadn’t seen any other abominables since I’d arrived, yet one attacked me. I peered toward the woods as if I expected to see one come roaring out of the bushes on cue, but the world around me remained calm and serene. “Are thereanythreats here?”

“Of course.” Jessia looked toward the boys, and I assumed she didn’t want to get them worked up. “We have guards. They alert us if anything concerning comes near. And more often, they . . . frighten it away.”

Kill it? I guess that beat being killed yourself.

“What do you plan on making in the dining area?” she asked, changing the subject. “We have plenty of dried bribard.”

“That wasn’t quite what I had in mind. I was a cook where I came from.”

“You prepared food. We do this with meat, something the gods don’t favor.”

“My specialty was sweets, though I didn’t have much call to make more than pies and cake back at the diner.”

“What is a sweet?” Trevar chimed in to ask.

“Candy. Ice cream. That sort of thing. Like the branches of the trees on your godly island.”

“The gods in the dining area haven’t given us anything like that,” Trevar’s brother, Brulon said, getting to his feet.