He cupped my cheeks and tipped my head back, making me look up at him. “A male can do a lot in a week.”

I couldn’t hold back my smile. “A male can.”

“Be prepared, mate.”

My smile grew wider. “For what?”

“For me to show you why you want to remain here with me before the seven days are over.”

My pulse surged, and my core throbbed. What would it be like to stay here forever as his mate? The thought scared me. I’d only been here a short time. It was okay to feel frightened. This wasn’t just about being an alien’s mate but adapting to a completely new way of life.

But . . . I was going to give it a shot.

And then, in seven days, I’d either come here and tell the crystal gods I wished to stay or they’d return me to Earth.

Chapter 22


“Ihate leaving them,” Van-eesa said as we walked again through the open room with the pods containing the other women.

“They’re safe here.”

“Are they?” Her hand remained on the top of one of the long cylinders as she looked my way.

“No one would dare challenge the gods to cause them harm.”

“But one of them is missing.” She peered around frantically. “The red-headed woman.”

“Perhaps . . .” Yes, I would say it. “Perhaps she has been sent to her mate like you were.”

“We need to find her. Help her.”

“She could be anywhere on Zuldrux.”

Her shoulders curled forward. “I hope she’s okay.”

“I could send some of my males to study the area, see if they can locate her.”

“Would you?” Hope bloomed in her voice.

“I will.”

She squeezed my hand. “Thank you.”

“Of course. Are you ready to leave?” I had many plans for the next week. Seven days was not long, but it was better than no days. Could I convince her that she belonged with me for a lifetime?

“Yes, I’m ready to go.”

We walked back down the path to the shore, and I blew through the bone, summoning a caipareel. I held my mate in my arms as it graciously gave us a ride back to the opposite shore. At first, Van-eesa appeared pensive, which was a change from surly, though I wasn’t sure whether this was a good or a bad sign. I didn’t want to ask what was bothering her, though I suspected she was worried about the other woman.

And about remaining with me.

What if she told me she couldn’t wait for the seven days to end, that her only goal was to return to her home planet sooner?

We left the caipareel and it eased back into the water, disappearing from view.

Van-eesa watched it go, and when her smile rose, so did mine. “I still can’t believe we rode in a giant puffer fish’s belly.”