“Why not?”

Do not ask again. You will remain here on Zuldrux.

I didn’t like this, but I must respect the will of our gods. “My final request is for you to give her the gift of understanding.”

If she can only communicate with you inside your home, this gives you a chance to show her why she belongs here with you.

“She wants to speak with everyone, not only me. If she remained here, her life would hold more pleasure and joy with complete understanding. She could make friends, hear the wise words of our elder. Speak to me when we’re outside our home.”

We will consider this. Is that all?

There was so much I could beg for, every bit of it wrapped up in Van-eesa, but I wouldn’t ask for anything she didn’t wish to grant me with love in her heart.

“I have no further requests,” I said.

Then our conversation is over. Go with strength, Traedor Aizor. We acknowledge your trust and will reward you for it.

And just like that, I was spit out of the flower. I landed on my chest on the floor and skidded across it.

Then I rose and waited for my mate to finish speaking with the gods.

Chapter 21


Iyelped when something erupted from the floor around me, bright purple segments snapping out then wrapping me in a cocoon, binding me while yellow and pink fluff exploded over my head. I was being mummified, and there was nothing I could do about it but scream.

A blossom, huh? This was a pastel nightmare.

Aizor bellowed my name, and I wanted to go to him, tell him I was okay, that I’d survived this like I had so many other things in my life. But I plunged down, down, away from him, and landed hard, the vibration jarring up my spine. I was absorbed in darkness and couldn’t see anything around me. For a moment, panic shot through me, and a scream rushed up my throat. I could barely hold it back.

Be still.The voice echoed around me, reminding me of the one that woke me on the Mars spaceship.

“Someone’s inside my mind,” I cried out. “Get out of my head!”

How else will I speak to you?

Speak to me, notwithme. I noted that. “You could use a mouth.”

Which I don’t have.

I thrashed, trying to break free of the bindings. “Then make one. Surely someone who can direct robocops to kidnap a bunch of women, steal a spaceship headed for Mars, and bring the women to an alien planet can create lips.”

If you don’t hold still, I’ll make you.

The thought of mechanical claws bursting through the mummy-blossom and pinning me in place made me stop struggling. My feral panting echoed around me, and my heart rate thrummed in my ears at a furious pace.

“Send me home,” I said, reluctantly adding, “Please.”

This is your home.

“No, you stole me like I’m some kind of pet. You brought me here and gave me to an alien as if I have no free will of my own.”

Few have any say in their lives.

“That doesn’t make it right. You didn’t ask if I was okay with your plan.”

Would you have agreed?