
“None of that, now, Voolon,” I said firmly as my beast frolicked over to us, playfully flapping her exoears. She shook her head and butted me with her snout before sniffing the female who scrambled around in my arms, muttering words I couldn’t understand. “This is serious,” I chided my mount. “I hold my mate, my true one, the female who’ll soon gift me with many young.”

Voolon huffed and settled. She was a well-behaved beast, and I was grateful to have her. I’d raised her since she hatched from an egg, feeding her juicy bites of meat and grooming her scaled hide as often as I could. She rewarded my care by allowing me to ride on her back.

“This is Voolon,” I told my mate. At least she’d stopped wiggling around, though she was so tiny, I could easily restrain her if need be. Easing her forward and into the cradle of my arms, I frowned down at her while she looked up at me with what I hoped was excitement. I worried terror shone in her oddly green eyes. I’d never seen eyes in that color, and they stunned me for a heartbeat. Then I reminded myself we weren’t secure here. I needed to get her to safety before I allowed myself to fully examine her face, hair, and body. “I’m Aizor, traedor of the Indigan Clan, which is the best of them all, though you’ll soon see this.”

She blinked up at me. I juggled her a bit to hold her with one arm and pointed to my chest.

“Aizor,” I said slowly, repeating it a few more times.

My mate made a few gulping sounds, sucking in air each time.

Pray that the fates hadn’t sent me a mate who was deficient. I’d cherish her regardless, but it would be nice to have someone to talk to, to stand by my side.

I leaped up onto Voolon’s back and settled my mate on my lap, facing me, placing her legs around my body and her arms around my torso—though her arms were much too short to reach, and she only clung to my sides limply.

Her hair, secured in a long weave along her spine, flopped around. So strange that she didn’t wear it loose like a Zuldruxian female. It was also an odd color, that of the soil deep found on the floor within some of our caves, yet with strands that rivaled the golden towers of our central crystal god structure.

She kept muttering and flailing, releasing the samewaaaasound. Was my mate alright? I worried my tusks, hoping it was so.

What were the gods thinking of when they matched me with such a peculiar creature?

No matter. If she behaved and spoke like an adult, we’d make this work.

While my mate clung to my torso as she should, appearing to gape down at Voolon before looking up at me with an equally stunned expression, I urged my mount to turn. Voolon start down the hillside, loping toward the valley. I rocked with her lolling gait, shifting my hips to accommodate the motion.

“Waaaa!” my mate said.

“Waaaa,” I agreed, though not as loudly as her. I’d just defeated one predator. There was no need to call the attention of another. It was too bad the beast’s meat tasted rank. There was enough there to feed a clan for many seasons. In the morning, I’d send some males to cut away the biggest sections to feed our hepadons. They often grazed but they adored fleshy treats.

My mate muttered something against my chest. It appeared the gods had gifted me with a female who couldn’t speak my language. We’d find a way to communicate once I had her inside our home and on my bed furs.

She must know she was mine. That would be expected from a true mate. She must also know we’d soon be rutting.

Eager to reach the pen where we kept our hepadons during the night and where food awaited her, Voolon broke into a gallop, flinging herself down the hillside. The heavy thud of her hooves echoed around us, making small creatures in the low brush along the side of the trail scatter.

My mate made more odd sounds that must be her way of expressing her eagerness to become my bride.

“Are you hungry for me, my precious one?” I asked, gently using a finger to lift her chin. Her skin was incredibly soft and pale when compared to my blue. Another oddity I’d get used to.

“Waaaa,” she cried out again.

Showing her my tusks in a grin, a gesture sure to impress her, I made the waaaa sound as well, wondering what it meant. Hepadons had no language outside of grunts only they appeared to understand. My mate could come from a species like that. If so, I’d have to study her sounds to see if I could sense a difference. I wanted to learn how to communicate with her.

How else would I know how to please her in bed?

Chapter 5


Still a dream. Still a dream. Still a dream!

No matter how many times I repeated the phrase in my mind, I wasn’t convincing myself it was true.

Surely, I was back home in my bed, sleeping. I’d wake in the morning, shake my head about my vivid imagination, and get ready for another shift at the diner.

The creature galloping beneath me felt much too real.