“You gave me quite the scare, little sparrow.”
“Sorry, Jaxon. I don’t know what happened. How did you get me up here?”
“You fainted, I caught you just in time before your head hit the cold concrete. And I carried you up here in the elevator, of course.”
My skin heats under his perusal. I’m definitely not a light girl. I’m instantly embarrassed that he had to carry my weight up here. “Sorry you had to do that, it probably wasn’t easy.”
He grabs my chin and forces me to look at him. “Don’t you dare start insinuating anything about your weight. I love every curve on this body. I’ll show you how easy it is.”
Jaxon stands up and hooks an arm under my legs and an arm behind my back before he picks me up. I let out a little squeal, imagining him dropping me to the ground. But what he does next surprises me. Not only does he lift me up, but he takes me down the hall and we enter a dark room. Jaxon flips the light and I’m looking at the biggest master suite I have ever seen, with a panorama view of the city lights below.
Jaxon turns a corner and brings us to a bathroom, where he sets me down. He lowers the toilet lid and moves me to sit down on it. He kneels down and ever so slowly lifts up my right foot to delicately remove my high heel. He places my foot down and does the same with the other. He looks up at me through his lashes. “You do something to me, Melody. I am completely enthralled by you.”
My skin flushes. This man has a way with words. I reach over to him and pull him up to me. My small hands frame his face and I lean in and place a kiss upon his lips. It quickly turns to molten heat as the kiss consumes us both. Jax stands, taking me with him, not once breaking the kiss. He spins me around and pins me against the wall. One hand is restraining my hands above my head, and the other one wraps lightly around my throat. The pressure he places on each side of my neck is exquisite, and soon I’m panting with pure need for this man.
“Hang on, little sparrow.” He breaks the kiss. “Let’s get you cleaned up first.”
Confused at what he means by that, I give him a questioning look. He turns to the walk-in shower that takes up half of his bathroom and turns on the hot water. His shower is grand, that’s for sure. It has a rainfall nozzle overhead and jet sprays coming from the two side walls. It looks like heaven, but I hope he isn’t expecting me to get naked in there with him.
“Melody, I can see your gears turning. Stop it right now.” He moves to lift my dress over my head and I swat his hand away.
“I don’t want you to see me naked just yet.”
“Little sparrow, I told you. I love every inch of this body.”
“It’s not that Jax... it’s just... I was in a dark place a year ago. I still wear the scars from that dark part of my life,” I admit, looking down at the ground.
He puts a finger under my chin, tilting my face up to look into his blue eyes.
“I said all of your body is beautiful, not just parts. All of you is a masterpiece to me.”
“Where are they,” he asks, reaching out a hand to me.
“My wrists and lower arms…”
“Let me see, Melody. Let me see every beautiful inch of you.” He slowly reaches down to the hem of my dress and begins to pull it up. I bite my lip.
“Hey, what did I say about biting your lip, little sparrow? I only have so much restraint, and right now I’m trying to be gentle with you.”
I quickly release my lip and give him a small smile. He continues to lift the dress until it’s over my stomach. I reach up my arms so he can fully pull it off. The cold air brushes my skin and I break out in goosebumps. All I’m left in is a bra and a thong panty.
Jaxon takes a step back and admires me as I am. “God, you are beautiful, Melody. I don’t care how many times I have to say it until you believe it, but you are absolutely breathtaking.”
I have no words for his admission, so I do the only thing I can think of. I start to take off my bra and pull down my panties, stepping out of them before placing them on my dress.
“Fuck, Melody… you’re absolutely perfect.” He steps forward and grabs my arm, peppering light kisses up over my scars and repeats the process with my other arm.
Although his appraisal turns me on, I’m not sure I have the energy for whatever he has in mind right about now. At least if the bulge in his sweatpants is anything to go by.
“Melody, what I wouldn’t give to push you against this shower wall and fuck you senseless, but I know you are not ready for that right now. Let’s take a shower and get cleaned up, then we can head to bed. It’s been a long night.”
Relieved, but also slightly disappointed, I nod my head and step into the shower and let the hot water sink into my bones. I watch Jaxon as he gets undressed. I was right when I saw his picture on Tinder. He is loaded with tattoos. I wonder if any of them have a special meaning… I take a moment to appreciate his physique. He reaches down to pull off his sweats and then he’s just in his boxer briefs. The man is sin personified. He stalks toward the shower, stopping only to take off the last barrier. He sheds his boxer briefs and if I thought he was impressive through his clothing, it has nothing on how big he actually is.
“Keep staring, Melody, and I’ll have you on your knees with my cock buried so far down your throat you won’t be able to breathe.”
I look up to meet his eyes so quickly, he lets loose a small laugh. I quickly move aside so he can join me in the shower. The room quickly steams up and it’s just the two of us in this world. He looks over to me tenderly, reaching behind my head for something. He comes back with a loofah and soap. Before I can get a word out, he lathers it up and starts washing my body. He starts with my arms, then my shoulders, working his way around my neck. He turns me around so he can get my back, and then he’s reaching around me and bringing the loofah across my sensitive nipples. I gasp at the sensation and look over my shoulder, giving him a glare. He puts his hands up in mock surrender.
Laughing to myself, I take the loofah from him and finish washing myself. The soap is a manly scent, but I don’t even care. As long as I get to be surrounded by this man’s smell, I am A-OK with it. Jaxon takes the loofah when I’m done and washes his body. We both make quick work of our hair and face. Even being completely cleaned, I still feel filthy thinking back to that night. I usually am pretty successful with pushing those thoughts away, but with the events that occurred at my house, I’m struggling to ignore it.