Page 44 of Deadly Desires

The doctor comes shortly after and takes a look at all of my injuries. The injuries on my back from being whipped needed stitches, sixty four in total. My hand was also stitched up. Luckily, the fucker missed my bones but did a pretty considerable amount of damage to the surrounding tissue and muscle. I have a few broken ribs which should heal on their own, and all the other cuts and bruises on my body will heal with time. He also set my broken nose, which hurt like hell.

Jaxon is given some ointments to use on my hand and my back to prevent infection and some pain pills to use while I’m healing. He also stitched Jaxon’s stomach back up.

Walking to the door, Jaxon thanks the doctor for coming on such short notice and for going to see Franklin next. He hands him an extra stack of bills for providing services at such a late hour.

I’m about to protest and say I can pay for it, but the words die on my lips. I’m not going to start another argument over money. If he wants to pay for it, I’ll let him.

Jaxon must spot the look on my face however, because he stalks over to me, one hand coming up to hold the back of my head and the other on my upper ass, gently pulling me to him.

“Melody, Melody, Melody… you weren’t just about to protest me paying for the good doctor’s services were you?”

“Never would I do such a thing.” I smile up at him sweetly.


“I do have money though, Jax.”

“Well until we have a shared bank account, we will be using my money,” replies Jax, letting go of me to cross his arms over his chest.

I love when this man gets possessive and bossy; it’s such a fucking turn on.

Batting my eyelashes at him, I sashay my way back into the bedroom. Or I try to sashay at least. It’s a little hard to do with sixty four stitches in my back.

“Where do you think you’re going, little sparrow?”

“I thought maybe you wanted to lay down and cuddle with me…”

“You bet your ass I do.”

Jaxon follows me into the bedroom, and for once, things feel right in the world.



Four months later

Driving my new McLaren down into the garage, I park her near my lockers. Melody is waiting for me, all decked out in the riding gear I left on the bed for her this morning along with a handwritten note.

I left this riding gear for you. Let’s go for a ride today ;)

Meet me in the garage at 2pm.

As I exit the car, Melody comes over and gives me a welcome home kiss, grabbing my ass and making me think of all the ways I can take her over the hood of my car. Before I can make good on any of my thoughts though, she drags me to my lockers and holds out my riding gear for me. Quickly changing into my gear and riding boots, I place my clothes and shoes on the bench.

Turning towards Melody, I take the new helmet I bought specifically for her and place it over her head, doing up her chin strap as well. Next, I put on my own helmet. Looking over at Melody, I see she has her visor flipped up and her face has a smirk on it. Clueless as to what she’s thinking, I pull her in and bump her helmet with mine.

“How was therapy, little sparrow?

“It was good, we talked about you a lot.”

“Is that so?”

“Yep, not telling you anything though.”

“Hmm, OK. Keep your secrets then... Are you excited to go for a ride, little sparrow?”

“Jax, about the ride…”