“You’re okay, little flier,” he soothes, and oxygen fills my lungs. Raking my fingers along the grass, I struggle to push up into a sitting position. He helps me immediately, hauling me against him and pulling me into his lap. Dash and Ty aren’t far behind, hauling ass across the field before dropping down next to me, wearing full practice pads.
Sweat drips from them, landing on my skin, as both run their hands over me, checking for bruises.
“I’m fine,” I gasp out, looking at Tam, who’s still right by my side. “What happened?”
Shaking my head, I search around me, trying to figure out what the hell I did wrong. The flips were flawless and completely controlled. I didn’t just fall without a good reason.
“Maureen slammed into you,” he snarls, glaring at the woman a few feet away being yelled at by Coach. His words are met by a chorus of Alpha growls, and the entire team goes silent in the face of their fury.
Dash leans down, slips his hands under my arms, and then lifts, helping me stand. Sighing, I lean heavily on him, still catching my breath as we make our way over to the evil bitch.
“What the hell, Maureen?” I rasp, wishing my voice was stronger. Hearing me, she turns my way, her face filled with hate, and I stagger back in shock. All I’ve ever done is help her.
“This is all your fault. Coach is kicking me off the team. Because of YOU,” she shrieks, flailing wildly. “Marcel stopped paying me because of YOU. And now I don’t have anything.”
Maureen’s eyes fix on me and she stomps forward with her arm raised, poised for a harsh slap. My guys form a protective wall in front of me before I can even blink. It warms my heart, but I won’t let them fight my battles.
Grabbing a handful of Ty’s jersey, I tug at it to open a small gap between him and Fox. It’s tight, but I squeeze my way through the narrow space, only to have his muscular arm wrap around my waist. His hand splays protectively across my stomach, and my heart flutters.
“My parents are going to kill me,” Maureen cries, gesturing at me. But she doesn’t move any closer now that my Alphas have my back.
“Oh my. That sounds like the consequences of your own actions,” I snap, stepping forward, but Ty’s hand drags me back.
“Baby girl, I respect your right to fight your own battles. And I know you can take her.” He drops his cheek against mine, filling my nose with his rum punch scent. His love surrounds me. “But is she even worth it?”
And I realize how right he is. I could scream and rage about her behavior. Lose my shit about how she sent my stalker straight to my door while I was in heat. But where would it get me? What’s the point?
Everyone’s seeing her true colors on full display.
Maureen’s epic hissy fit continues as she complains about needing the money to fund her shopping addiction and how she’s been cheering to catch the eye of a wealthy Alpha. In a tirade, she spews out her jealousy and rage, leaving the team gaping at her. Some even pull phones out to record the madness before security arrives to escort her from the field.
Watching her go, I feel nothing except relief knowing she won’t be messing up our stunts at Nationals.
Time to let it go.
“Well, that was something else,” Coach says, shaking her head as we watch them take her away. She turns to look me over, scrutinizing every inch of my body to check for injury.
“Promise. I’ve got this,” I tell her. “Let’s try the tricks again.”
Dash’s mouth pops open like he’s going to argue, but Fox quickly elbows him in the gut, and he shuts it. Crossing his ripped arms over his chest and glowering at them.
Admiration shines from my coach’s eyes as she nods her head, and we get right back to it.
“Shake that ass,” Ty jokes, and the team giggles, effectively breaking the tension as we all head back to our positions. I blow them a quick kiss, and Ty reaches out, grabbing it out of the air and bringing it to his heart like the goof he is, while Dash and Fox just grin.
Undeterred, I raise my arms again, preparing to flip and twist.
Ready to tumble right into the future with my Alpha-Ballers.
Spotlights beat down on us, sweat slides down my back and a cramp rocks my core, but I push it all down, making sure the smile never leaves my face.
This is it, the moment. “3,2,1 UP,” Tam yells, and my body answers. Shoving off the thick mats below me, I spring into the air, soaring with precision as I flip and twist. The familiar sense of weightlessness spikes my endorphins, and a rush of joy crests through me as my feet find purchase held high above Tam’s head. There isn’t a wobble or twitch, just precision as I throw my hands in the air and look out into the crowd.