His joke falls flat, and a growl rumbles from deep in my chest. I take my gaze off Vivi for a moment to glare at him, but somehow, in all the confusion, he slipped past us. The stately Alpha grabs the door handle with a flourish and swings it open.
“No!” Vivi yells, but it’s way too late.
Marcel appears in the doorway. His smug smiling face makes me see red.
Die. Die. Die.
“Thank you so much for having me over,” his shitty voice bellows out, making Vivi squeak with terror. “I’m looking forward to putting this silly misunderstanding behind us. Get everything cleared up so Vivi and I can finally settle down together.”
He walks into the house like he owns it, clearly familiar with her parents. The smile falls from his face when he spots us. An angry sneer replaces it. But I can’t pay attention to his bullshit. Vivi’s heartbeat pounds against me, slamming like a jackhammer as fear takes over. Ty and Dash’s rage beat at me through the bonds. But I push them out of my head. None of that matters. My world narrows, blurring until she’s the only thing in it. Ignoring everyone else, I spin my little flier around and hoist her into my arms. Vivi crushes her face into my neck, breathing hard. She’s more fragile than I’ve ever seen her, and it tears me up inside.
These people don’t deserve her goodness. They don’t deserve another second in her presence.
“Fuck this,” I bark, jerking my head toward the door. Dash and Ty form a protective shield in front of me, shouldering Marcel aside. The smaller Alpha flies into the wall so hard that when he crumbles to the floor, there’s a large dent where his body hit it. He releases a growl from his new home on the ground, ordering us to let go of her.
“She’s my omega. You can’t take her,” Marcel whines like a crabby toddler throwing a tantrum. He kicks his leg out, trying to trip me, but I’m ready and step around his pathetic ass.
“Move an inch, and you won’t live to see tomorrow,” Ty promises, leaning down with a maniacal grin. “Please, just give me a reason…”
But we don’t stop until the crisp night air fans our skin.
“You’re okay, little flier. It’s all going to be all right,” I croon, heading straight for the SUV.
Her parents follow us outside, shouting for me to stop—but they can go to hell for all I care. As far as I’m concerned, they won’t ever see her again…unless she wants to.
“Wait. Fox. Put me down,” she requests, and I can’t deny her anything. My instincts are screaming to jump in the car and rush from this place. But I don’t do any of that. Though it takes all my control, I honor my omega’s request. Letting go of her is the hardest thing I’ve ever done.
As she slips from my grasp, Dash slings an arm around her waist, bolstering her. But she doesn’t need him. Her chin comes up, jaw clenching as she gathers her strength. Love fills me for this kickass woman.
“Mom. Dad. I have no idea why you want me with Marcel so badly. And honestly, I don’t care. But please hear me. I. Won’t. Ever. Marry him,” her voice rings clearly across the front lawn. And as each word lands, her mother absorbs it like a personal blow.
“Sweetheart, we only want what’s best for you,” her father answers, tugging his wife against him. “And cheer isn’t it. You’re too old for this—it’s time for you to put your degree to good use and settle down with a good Alpha. Being an athlete isn’t the right profession for an omega honey.”
“It was cute when you were in college. But it’s an embarrassment now. All of my friends’ children are married and having babies,” her mother pipes up.
Vivi folds in on herself for just a moment as her parents’ words hit their mark. And I’m so fucking done with this. Striding forward, I place myself between them. These assholes don’t deserve to see her.
All of my Alpha instincts surge to the surface, and a primal roar rips from my chest. Her parents’ eyes widen, and Mrs. Milone’s hand comes up to clutch the pearls hanging around her neck. If I weren’t irate, it would be funny.
“Shut the fuck up,” I snarl at them. “She’s your daughter, not your accessory. It’s not her job to give you grandchildren. It’s your job as parents to love her for who she is.”
Turning my back on them, I find my beautiful omega right behind me. Her silver-blue eyes scan my face, and she bites her lip.
“Let’s go, little flier. Please. Before I kill one of your parents,” I beg, holding my hand out. A sigh of relief gusts from me when she places her fingers in mine, locking them together like the missing pieces of a puzzle.
“Thank you,” she mouths silently before we walk hand in hand to the SUV. The further we get from her family, the more her usual, sweet cupcake scent returns. I just hope we can fix this.
Time to put this clusterfuck behind us.
Chapter Twenty- Seven
The SUV roars to life, the engine rumbling quietly as I back out of this godforsaken driveway. One quick glance in the rearview mirror allows me to breathe.
She’s here. With us.
My heartbeat begins to slow down as we get further and further away from that total shit-show of a parental meet and greet. What the heck? Parents have been throwing their omega daughters at us since the second we packed up. Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined that scenario.