Yanking hard, I try to pull away, but he remains steadfast. “My name is Vivi, not omega, and you need to let go,” I snap loud enough to get the attention of passersby as fury churns in my belly.
“I swear, the second you have your heat and we bond, all this shit is done. Done. No more prancing around in skimpy costumes. Pretending to be an athlete,” he blusters on, completely oblivious to my feelings. “It’s fucking ridiculous. You’re an omega, and you’re going to act like one.”
Red Flag. Red Flag. Sorry, Mom and Dad—this one is too damn crazy for me.
My eyes dart around, searching for someone to help me. Although people are watching the spectacle, no one is willing to step up and come to my aid. Most of the crowd is filled with betas who refuse to intervene against an Alpha. His face turns red, eyes growing cold with rage, and he continues to berate me. It looks like I’m going to need to save myself.
“I should already have your ass up—presenting in bed for me. This chase is growing tiresome as fuck,” he snarls in my ear. Marcel drags me closer to the exit, a harsh growl vibrates through me as his scent alters. The change has adrenaline pumping through my veins. If he gets me out of here—gets me alone…
I shudder at the thought, all the muscles in my body locking as I go rigid to make it harder.
No. Not gonna let this happen.
Lifting my knee high, I bring my foot down hard on his boot. He lets out a startled cry, and his disorientation allows me to jerk free.
“What the fuck, omega! You’re going to apologize to me on your knees when we get home,” he growls, advancing. His eyes lock on me, feral and unhinged in a way I’ve never seen. Unable to look away, I back up a few paces. My breathing comes in ragged pants as though I have just run a flipping marathon.
What an asshole!
“I’m done with you,” I declare loudly, practically shouting as I hold up my arms to make it clear that he needs to keep his distance. My voice cuts through the packed hallway, and security finally heads our way.
“You don’t get to decide that,” he says, his voice quiet with simmering rage—eyes darker than coal. Marcel’s nostrils flare, and his scent becomes tinged with rage as he advances. His usually neutral paper scent suddenly becomes burned—a raging inferno that makes me choke and wrinkle my nose. The threat is clear, and relief rushes through me when the security guards step up to flank me on either side.
“There a problem here?” the bigger of the guards asks.
“Nope,” Marcel says, reaching for me again. “My omega’s just being a bit defiant tonight. You know how it is.”
He smirks at them, waving at me dismissively with a deceptive chuckle. And my mouth goes dry.
“That’s what’s happening? You’re bonded?” the guard questions, looking down at me kindly. Here in Oriania, omegas have rights. We get a say in our lives, but once bonded, authorities rarely step in. I swallow hard, completely overwhelmed, but I’m strong enough to do this. Shaking my head, I find my voice.
“No, I’m not his omega. We’re not bonded and never will be. I just broke up with him,” I explain assertively. Pride fills me as I stare Marcel down, looking right into his eyes with dominance, shattering any submissive tendencies I may have. “I would really appreciate it if someone would walk me to my car.”
Marcel continues to stare me down until his lips tug up in a tight smile that borders on a snarl. His eyes rake down my body before focusing on my neck. The pulse pounding there gives away my distress… The place he wants to bite me.
“You can run, princess... but your heat’s coming. I can smell it on you. Like it or not, you’re going to need me. You’ll learn your place soon enough.”
With that threat, he turns on his heel and walks away. The breath I didn’t even know I was holding rushes out, leaving me dizzy and off-kilter. Running my hands over my arms, I hug myself tightly to calm the shaking of my limbs as the big Alpha guards walk me to my car silently.
As I drive away, despair sinks like a stone in my gut, replacing all the joy that came from our win. My parents aren’t going to be thrilled that I broke it off with another suitor. That said, they certainly wouldn’t want me to end up with someone like that. Instead of turning toward the pub, I head home. Needing my nest, my kitty, and for this day to be over.
Fucking Alpha holes. I’m going to focus on cheer and staying single… forever.
Chapter One
Vivi, Six Months Later
“Fliers, get ready!” I shout, bouncing on my toes. Strong hands grip my waist, and a little bubble of excitement races through me like it always does before a stunt. Every. Single. Time. “3, 2, 1 UP.”
The muscles in my legs bunch and strain, propelling me up into the air with a boost from my partner, and it’s finally the moment. My favorite part. The world tilts as I flip and soar—and for just a second, I’m completely weightless, floating through the sky. Everything else disappears besides this moment. There is no worrying about my upcoming heat, my shitty ex—who keeps popping up, or my extreme lack of funds that may send me back to living in my parents’ house.
Right now, I get to be just V—me—enjoying the sport I love. My feet find purchase on the outstretched hands of my base, who is standing below me, and I land the aerial stunt without so much as a wobble. Tossing up my arms, I glance around, noticing that the other fliers are all in the air, perfectly balanced, except for Maureen; who’s still standing on the ground. Shoot. So close.
“Fliers down,” I cry, releasing my position as I am shifted safely back to the soft turf below. Turning, I give my base and spotter high-fives; our hands slapping together bring grins to both of their faces.
“Nice job,” I tell my friends. “That felt amazing.”
“Yeah, that was a near-perfect stunt!” Tam, my spotter, says excitedly. “Actually, almost everyone was on point—these extra practices have been seriously paying off. I think we have a real shot at the national title this year.”