Page 140 of Shameless Game

“Colt, baby.” Beau cups his cheek, too. “I’m so fucking sorry. I’m so sorry I got mad. I didn’t know. I just wish you would’ve told me so you wouldn’t have to go through this alone.”

“I didn’t think I could tell you.”

It twists Beau’s face. “Why?”

“Because I had just gotten you back. I didn’t want to lose you again, but that didn’t last because we got into another fight. All I’ve ever felt like since we were eighteen is that life wouldn’t let us work. That our love was doomed,” he squeezes me, “until now.”

“Yes.” I nuzzle my forehead to his. “We work. Our love works, so we’ll figure this out.”

Beau reaches, pulling Colt’s cheek to meet his lips, then Colt turns, tenderly kissing him back.

“I’m so sorry,” Beau murmurs over their lips. “I’m so sorry, baby. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” Colt answers. “Really, I am. I had my mom. She knew about you, about the baby. We talked for years about it, and I got my shit together. I found a way to forgive Reese because you should see him. He’s the sweetest little boy.”

“What’s his name?” Beau asks.


Beau flinches. “Forrest? After Forrest Gump? Does that mean he’s?—”

“I don’t know,” Colt repeats. “Dude, I really don’t. Sometimes he looks like me. Sometimes he looks like you. I don’t know what’s real except that I love him. And I love you. And I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. From the beginning, I feel like I never had control in this.”

“Because you didn’t.” I kiss his cheek. “But now you do.”

Colt looks at me. “How do you figure?”

“Because I’m calling my old friend, Reese Langley,” I answer. “We’ll talk, woman-to-woman, and I’ll show her who has control. I’ll make this right.”


“You just met the sexy Texas nexus of a network.”


Idon’t want to let go of Colt’s hand. I want to wrap around him and take away the past nine years he suffered alone.

I’ll never forget the first time Colt touched me. The time he rubbed sunscreen on my neck. His warmth washed through me then, and it’s filled my heart ever since.

It was me feeling love for the first time.

I feel the same way he does. Like life wouldn’t bless us until now, until we loved Blair, too.

I want to hold him, but the jet swings like a trapeze as we land, so we buckle up, and I hold Blair’s hand.

Our woman hates to fly, but she’ll get used to it. We’ll have years of traveling together because I’m never leaving Blair again and never letting Colt go.

Despite what Blair says, this time never applies.

Do I have a son? Maybe.

Do I have my forever loves? Definitely.

When we enter the gold and glass doors of The Mercier Hotel, I don’t care who’s watching. I reach for Colt again. Lightly, I brush my fingertips over his hand.

He turns his chin, aiming his sexy, scruffy grin my way. “You flirting, Bronson?”

I cock a brow. “Goddamn right, I am, Hawke. You’re mine tonight.”