She hesitated. “There’s a campground just on the lake—”

“I know it,” Dylan said. “The Glacier Creek Campground. You’ll like it there. The sites are clean and good-sized, and there’s a nice little beach. I understand they have activities for the kids, too.”

“Yes, that’s why I chose it. Well, that and the proximity to Glacier National Park.” She opened the passenger door and prepared to climb out.

“Where are you traveling from?” He didn’t want her to leave. He told himself there was absolutely no point in continuing any conversation with her, but he couldn’t prevent his mouth from talking.

“We’re doing a cross-country road trip,” she said, shooting a warning glance toward the boys, who were busy pummeling each other in the back seat. “We started our trip in Newark, New Jersey, about five weeks ago, and now here we are.”

Dylan gave a low whistle. “That’s a lot of driving.”

“It’s been a lot of fun.”

She gave him a bright smile, but Dylan sensed she wasn’t being entirely truthful. Had she come this far on her own, with just the boys?

“You plan on driving through the park?” He referred to nearby Glacier National Park, which was the biggest draw for most of the tourists who passed through town.

“Possibly. I’m more interested in doing some hiking in the area.”

“That’s great. If you stop by our office, we have plenty of trail maps for the park, and we could even provide a guide for you, if you’re interested.”

She sharpened her gaze on him. “What is it, exactly, you do?”

Dylan extended his hand. “I’m Dylan McCafferty—part owner of Adrenaline Adventures. You can’t miss it; it’s in the old mercantile building a few blocks back.”

After a brief hesitation, she placed her hand in his, and Dylan closed his fingers around hers, admiring her firm grip. “Hayden Temple, and these two are Ollie and Jackson. I’m not sure we’re up for any adrenaline-inducing adventures. Just being away from the city is enough for us.”

Dylan found himself mesmerized by the tilt of her eyes. “We also rent kayaks, bikes, and hiking gear. Why don’t you stop by?” He raised his hands. “No pressure, and definitely no sales pitch. But we’d be happy to give you some tips on the best hiking trails for kids.”

“Maybe—thanks.” When he continued to stare at her, she gave him an expectant look as if to say, What?

She wore no wedding band or diamond on her left hand, and he desperately wanted to ask about any significant other, but decided he was already wading in too deep just by encouraging her to stop by the store. She had kids, and he definitely didn’t need the kind of complication she represented.

Quickly, before he could say something he’d regret, he climbed out of the Jeep. “Okay, then. Nice meeting you, and enjoy your stay in Glacier Creek.”

He stepped back and jammed his hands into his pockets as Hayden came around to the driver’s side and climbed in. She wore a pair of khaki shorts that hugged the curves of her sweet ass, and her bare legs were toned and trim. Dylan couldn’t help but notice her T-shirt did nothing to disguise the pert thrust of her small breasts. She absolutely was not his type, but every cell in his body rose to attention when she gave him a last, farewell smile.

He nodded as she put the Jeep into gear, and watched as she drove away, until finally she made a right turn toward Highway 35 along the lake, and the trailer disappeared from view. Dylan blew out a breath and scrubbed his hands over his face. He was really losing it if he even remotely considered her to be fair game. He mentally checked off all the factors working against her: possibly married, definitely a mom, lived on the other side of the country.

No question about it—she was completely off-limits.

Find out what happens next…