“Yeah, I needed to know. So, false alarm.”
He shrugged. “Good to know. Guess she’s got a twin out there somewhere. And, uh, why did you need to know?”
“I don’t know.”
“Couldn’t stand it if you weren’t the only girl in the room who’s smashed both me and Hayes?” She turned away from him and folded her arms. “Hey, I’m sorry. It was just a joke.”
“Yeah? And you’re just an asshole.”
“Well, that’s rude.”
“You said house number 130, right?” the driver asked.
Ryan checked his phone. “Yep, 130.”
They pulled up, and Amara’s jaw dropped as they got out. “Holy fuck.”
It was an exquisite, three-story wooden mansion, right on the bay, complete with a large boathouse and a dock that moored several speedboats and jet skis. It was too cold for water sports, but the enormous house itself was the perfect party destination. They walked up the seemingly endless boardwalk that led to the front door, which was cracked, and through which they could hear music blasting and a bunch of people talking inside.
“Guess we just…go in?” Ryan asked, pushing it open.
“Hey: don’t abandon me, please. I really don’t wanna be here.”
“Keep your phone on. I gotta socialize with these guys, you know that. If we get separated and you need me, text me, OK?”
“Right,” she muttered, annoyed, pushing past him and taking off down a long hallway, leaving him in the foyer.
“Mar!” he called after her, as two chicks had already approached him, the less attractive one grabbing his arm and cozying up next to him.
“Don’t worry about her. She’s a big girl,” the girl on his arm said, smiling.
“Baylor! I’m glad you made it. And…I see you’ve met Kate,” Hughesy said, making his way over and pointing to the short, chunky cute brunette with huge knockers who was hanging onto him.
“Actually, I haven’t. Nice to meet you, Kate. I’m Ry…”
“I know who you are,” she said with a wink. “Waiting for you to come join us over here on the Island, baby.”
“Yeah, uh, me too,” he replied uncomfortably.
“Jesus, Kate, give the boy some space!” the other chick said. She was an older, taller blonde who had clearly had a ton of work done on her face. She threw an arm around Hughesy. “So did I do a good job, babe?”
He kissed her. “Absolutely. That’s why I married you. This is my wife, Amy. She and Kate got everything set up for tonight, so if you have any issues with the food, drinks, or anything else,” he patted her on the head, “this is where to send your complaints.”
“Really, Aiden?” She rolled her eyes. “Yeah, well, I plan on being way too drunk to handle any complaints, so do me a favor and just talk shit about me behind my back like a normal person!” she laughed.
“Hayes here yet?” Hughesy asked.
“Haven’t seen him. He said he was hanging back to do some press and would meet us here.”
“I’m sure he’ll show up soon. He held his own tonight, that’s for sure.”
“Wanna go get a drink with me?” Kate asked Ryan.
“Um, you know, maybe in a little bit. I’m gonna go mingle for a few, but uh, I might catch up with you later.” He pulled away from her gently. “Where’s everyone hanging out?”
“Right down that hallway, bang a left. Most people are in there or up on the second floor. Third floor is usually for, uh, other activities. Just FYI.”
“I can meet you up there later,” Kate offered.