“Oh. Hi,” she shouted, shaking her hand. She thought back to the party at Tyler’s apartment, and this wasn’t either of the girls Dalesy had brought. It especially wasn’t the girl who was sitting on his lap kissing his neck in the living room after blowing Ryan and God knows who else.
“You’re Baylor’s girlfriend, right? He’s super-hot. Girls aren’t gonna leave him alone. Literally, the minute you walk away, they’ll be all over him.”
“Yeah. I’ve kinda noticed.”
“Come with me!” She grabbed Amara’s arm and led her across the club, eventually to an outside area illuminated by hanging string lights, fireplaces, and propane heaters, where a bunch of people sat smoking and vaping. They found a couple of chairs near one of the firepits and took a seat. “Ah, that’s better! I can actually hear myself think again. Amanda, right?” Natasha pulled out a pen, pulled, and offered it to Amara. “You want? Might help take the edge off.”
“No thanks.” She held up her whiskey. “I’m good. And it’s Amara.”
“Amara. That’s pretty. So, you guys have a bit of a May-December thing going on, huh? What’s he, 20 years younger than you?” She took another pull. “I’m sorry. That sounded bitchy. I didn’t mean it like that. You’re stunning, seriously. The other guys are jealous as shit. They talk about Baylor’s cougar all the time. Especially Seggy, Jamie Segorsky? He’d fuck you in a heartbeat. Don’t waste your time though. He’s the absolute worst in bed. Great dick, but so selfish.”
She smiled awkwardly. “Wow, OK. Yeah, Ry’s 18 years younger than me.” She made a face as she said it aloud. “And I probably belong in prison.”
“Nah. I mean, that’s an insane gap, but I guess it works for you guys, huh? Conn’s 8 years older than me. Anyway, I noticed you staring at him, surrounded by all those girls. Listen, you’ll get used to it.”
“I wasn’t…I mean, it’s…fine.” She wasn’t gonna tell her that they were fishing for one to take home and share.
“I used to get so jealous when Conn would have chicks all over him, but I learned that you have to focus on the bigger picture.” She flashed her gigantic engagement ring, her earrings, her expensive purse, and pointed to her shoes. “These? Cost $3000. When he gets called up to the NHL, the amount of money coming in is going to blow your mind, plus any sponsors he gets. It makes it a lot easier to look the other way if you get my drift.” She took another pull; Amara noticed her eyes, though bloodshot, were stone cold. “I know he cheats. Trust me, I’m no saint either. I’ve run through half that locker room. Actively trying to get my hands on Hayes, but he just won’t bite. Rumor has it he's got a gorgeous cock.”
Amara’s hackles were raised at the mention of his name. “I’m actually pretty close with Tyler myself,” she said matter-of-factly.
“Oh, OK then. So, is it true? Is he hung like they say he is?”
“Wouldn’t know. We’re just friends.”
“Well, that’s no fun. Hey, you’ll have to put in a good word for me.”
Natasha continued. “There’s a dark side to all of this, a seedy underbelly, if you will, that so many girls can’t handle because they go into it with this delusion that it’s about love. It’s not. Most of these guys have been so used and abused that they aren’t even capable of love. It’s about financial stability, comfort, convenience. Listen, I didn’t sign a prenup. When I decide I’ve had enough, and I will, I’m set. You have to look away sometimes and remember that you’re the one he’s going home with. Make sure he gets tested, make sure he doesn’t knock anyone up, or if he does, he makes her terminate it, and make friends with some of the other guys on the team. It, uh, helps.”
“Uh huh. Thanks for the advice. Listen, I’m gonna go find a bathroom…”
“Hey, ladies. Mind if we join you?” Two younger guys came and sat down in the empty seats next to Natasha.
“Absolutely, gentlemen,” she crooned, as Amara watched her deftly remove her engagement ring and sneak it into her purse.
Amara stood up. “I’m actually gonna head in. Nice talking to you,” she said, turning and walking back towards the bar. The better looking of the guys got up and followed her.
“Hey. I didn’t get your name.” He reached out and touched her shoulder, so she pivoted to face him. “I’m Evan.”
“Amara,” she responded without thinking. “But I was just on my way to find a bathroom.”
“Don’t go back in. Little known secret, but there are bathrooms out here, just around that corner. Much cleaner and pretty quiet. I can take you over there if you want. The handicap stall in the women’s room is my favorite.” He whipped out a condom and held it in front of her face. “Wanna check it out with me, maybe let me pull that dress up and have an orgasm between those beautiful legs?”
She laughed, taken aback. “Wow. A man that gets right to the point. I’m good though, thanks.”
“Is it because I’m younger? I‘m 28, but I promise I’ll make it worth your time.”
“Sorry, baby. But 28 is just entirely too young for me. Hey, good luck though!”
“Whatever. Bitch,” he mumbled, as he turned to head back towards Natasha.
Amara smirked, heading back inside the club so she could pee and get a status update from her boyfriend. She could feel the whiskey starting to do its thing.
She pushed her way through the crowd on the way out of the bathroom and finally located Ryan standing near the bar, a drink in one hand and the other resting on the shoulder of a beautiful, young blonde who was seated there.
“There you are!” she yelled, approaching him, downing the rest of her whiskey, and slamming the empty on the bar in front of the babe.