Page 132 of Breaking Ryan Baylor

Ryan laughed. “Don’t worry about it.”

“Oh, you got secrets now? That’s fine, Rook. I see how it is. Five months in and we’re gonna start hidin’ shit from each other?”

“Stop being so damn dramatic, will you? Jesus, you’re like a teenage girl.”

“Yeah, you weren’t sayin’ that last night when I was swallowin' on your cock, were you?”

They approached the house that Amara and Jake shared, having been invited to attend a sort of months-late housewarming party. They’d been lucky to find a parking spot, as there were cars and people everywhere, with tons of kids running around and a huge blow-up waterslide on the front lawn.

As they came to the door, Ryan turned to Hayes. “You see all these children? You need to behave. You can’t be droppin’ F-bombs every other word, OK? Behave.” They opened the screen door and walked into the beautifully decorated, spotless home, looking around and taking it all in.

“I bet she’s so fuckin’ happy here,” Hayes said. “This is amazing.”

“Yo, boys!” a familiar voice called, coming around the corner. “Thought that was you. Mar told me you guys were gonna be here.”

“Dunny, what’s good?” Hayes went in for a hug, then extended his hand to shake Mark’s, with Ryan doing the same.

“This is beautiful, huh? Did you see the pool and the private beach? It’s like something out of a fairy tale.” Nick turned to Mark. “We need to step our game up, babe. Come on, let me take you guys out back. I think she’s out by the pool.”

There was an area in the foyer where people had been leaving their bags and purses, so Ryan set the briefcase down before following Nick and Hayes through the kitchen, out the sliding glass doors, and to the pool area.

He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw her.

She donned a sexy, yet modest black, one-piece bathing suit with a sheer black cover-up wrapped around her waist and huge red sunglasses. She leaned down, consoling a little girl who was crying because she’d scraped her knee. Jake had shown up and handed her a bandage and some towels, and she quickly cleaned the wound and applied the bandage.

“See? Good as new! You got this.” She kissed her on the top of the head. “Now get back out there and play with your friends, sweetie.”

“Thanks, Aunt Mar!” she called, before running off. Amara gathered up the towels and trash, turned towards the patio, and that’s when she spotted him.

Their eyes met, and Hayes immediately looked over at Ryan. “Aaaand, there it is,” he teased, as he watched Ryan’s eyes fill, then overflow onto his cheeks within seconds.

He didn’t move, but she hurried over to him, and the two hugged for what seemed like hours, both of them in tears.

“Hi,” she finally said, wiping her eyes and taking a step back from him.


“I’m so glad you came.”

“Me too.”

“So, like, what the fuck am I, some asshole off the street?” Hayes bitched, as Amara grabbed him and pulled him in for a hug.

“Hi, Tyler.” She leaned into his ear. “Watch your mouth, please. There are kids everywhere.”

“Sorry, babe,” he apologized. “I’ll do my best.”

She reached over to Ryan, inviting him to join them, and the three of them stood silently hugging for a bit.

“This kid,” Hayes said, pointing at Ryan as they finally broke away from each other. “Every time he sees you, he bawls. Stop bein’ such a bitch, man.”

“Sorry, I can’t help it,” he said, wiping his eyes. “This...Mar, wow. It’s unbelievable.”

“Tell me about it. I still pinch myself daily to make sure I’m not dreaming.”

“Baylor and Hayes!” Jake yelled, appearing behind them and placing one hand on each of their shoulders. “Glad you could make it down here, gentlemen.”

“I see you’re takin’ care of our girl quite well,” Hayes said.