Page 97 of The Fake Out

“Anytime, bebé,” he called over his shoulder as he led me away.

My entire body shuddered at the word, and he froze mid-step.

“What’s wrong?”

“Why?” I whispered, standing stock still in the middle of the doorway to the massive auction room.

He blinked down at me, his lips pulled down at the corners.

“Why is everyone baby but me?” I whispered.

With one side of his bottom lip caught between his teeth, he surveyed the crowded room, and instead of stepping in, he pulled me off to the side by the bathrooms.

“Look at me,” he demanded. When I couldn’t, he used two fingers to tip my chin up. “Bebé is anyone. A dime dozen. Could be a friend or a stranger. She doesn’t matter.” He swallowed. “You, Gi.” He shook his head. “You could never be just anyone.”

As his words sank in, my stomach flipped.

“From the second we met, I knew you were special. You were my butterfly. Always meant to soar.” His smile was soft. “You just needed some time and some Boston air to come out of the cocoon.” With a slow breath in, he studied my face, his eyes warm and full of affection. “But Mariposa—butterfly,” he said, “you are soaring.”

Butterfly. He’d been calling me that for as long as I’d known him. It just became the norm, and I never wondered why. I shut my eyes, fighting back emotion. Because fuck. I’d gotten upset, and once again, he’d proven there was no reason to be. This man was far and away the best one I knew.

“I didn’t need Boston air,” I whispered. “Just you.”

The corner of his mouth kicked up. “So you want to go in now? I promise to work on using bebé less. I didn’t realize it bothered you, or I would have stopped long ago.”

I shook my head. “Let them be your bebés.” I swallowed. “As long as I’m your only mariposa.”

He brushed a thumb over my cheek. “Always and forever.”

And once again, nothing about our connection felt casual.

The moment we finally stepped into the auction room, my heart leaped, and I took off as fast as my shoes would let me.

“Oh my gosh!” Linc and Eli were dressed in white suits, and Mila wore a gorgeous blue dress. “I cannot believe you’re here.” I glanced over my shoulder and found Emerson sauntering up behind me. “You are full of surprises today.”

“Like we’d miss your big day.” Linc tilted and peered around me, taking Emerson in. “And there is the man of my dreams.”

“You’re an asshole,” Eli muttered.

“I’m your asshole.” He smirked at his boyfriend.

Eli’s face didn’t change. He simply leaned over to kiss me on the cheek. “Congrats, babe.” Then he shifted his attention to Emerson and held out a hand. “I’m Eli, the very patient boyfriend.”

“I heard we’re doing Spain Jazz, as a throuple, in the fall,” Emerson teased.

Eli dropped his head back and groaned. “Oh hell, that’s why he loves you.”

The whole group laughed so loudly the people around us turned to stare.

“I’ll get the drinks,” Eli muttered once we’d composed ourselves.

“Bubbly for the girl of the hour,” Linc shouted after him.

“I’m going to…” Emerson nodded at the Revs players who were mingling on the other side of the room. It made sense that he should be with them. He and I weren’t pretending tonight. He squeezed my shoulder when I nodded.

But even as I agreed and let him go, pain lanced my chest. Because I liked it better when he was beside me.

“So, it’s still…?” Mila watched Em as he walked away.