Page 85 of The Fake Out

My mother yelled at them both in rapid-fire Spanish. I glanced down at Gi’s face to make sure she wasn’t overwhelmed by the madness, but instead of finding apprehension, all I found was a mischievous smirk. Like she found the chaos funny instead of too much.

And by the end of the day, it was clear that she not only found them funny, but was totally comfortable in the chaos. Even when I needed to translate, she never got overwhelmed. She just fit in with them like she’d been here all along.

And that night, as I lay on my back on the pull-out sofa, staring at the ceiling in the room we called mine when I was home, that sense of home had disappeared. I twisted, tugging at the sheet, frustrated. Normally, I felt settled here.

This was ridiculous. We had plenty of issues with no easy solutions, but this was a problem I could fix. If I couldn’t sleep in this bed knowing Gi was a floor above me, then I’d go to her.

I was a grown-ass man; my mother could deal. I snapped the covers back and surveyed the door for a moment. Ultimately, I decided to go for the window. Mama would deal better if she didn’t know.

In less than a minute, I had it open, and I hopping out onto the porch railing. From there, the pull up to the porch roof was nothing. Six feet later, I tapped on her window.

Gi pushed it opened, her brows pulled low. “Emerson? What are you doing?”

I ducked inside and pulled her close. “Apparently, I’m stealing milk.”

Andre: I see how it is. Didn’t even wake me to say goodbye.

Bels: I saw him go into your room and jump on you.

Vet: You told him to get out.

Bels: We all heard you.

Me: You all knew what time my flight left. Those who love me got up to see me off.

Andre: Drama much?

Bels: Plus, he wanted to get his girlfriend on the train.

Me: Not my girlfriend.

Andre: Keep telling yourself that.

Andre: GIF of a river in Africa

Vet: Yup totally in denial.

Vet: GIF of the word duh

Bels: Well I love her.

Vet: Me too.

Bels: I vote she stays.

Me: GIF of guy shaking his head

Andre: Dude that girl has you sprung. Don’t deny it.

Me: GIF of a middle finger

Vet: I’m telling Mom.

Andre: Grow up.

Bels: She’s grown up enough for Todd.

Andre: Not funny.