Since I’d moved in, he’d done nothing but build me up. Chris had always said his best friend was the biggest supporter to the people around him. The first to congratulate one of the guys on a great play or over personal achievements. He was the guy who’d start a flash dance in the stands to celebrate a teammate’s home run. If only he recognized his own self-worth as easily as he did others’. It was a habit I was trying to create, but it was a challenge, and I hated that he had to fight the struggle too.
“Well, this got heavy,” Linc announced after a long moment where Emerson and I just stared at each other. “Let’s lighten things back up. Two truths and a lie!”
Mila groaned. But he went on before anyone spoke.
“I’m a bottle blond.” He released another curl from the wand. “I got Eli’s name tattooed on my dick before he even agreed to date me. And?—”
Mila choked on her water, sputtering and coughing as it dripped down her chin.
Yeah, that was a truth. I knew it, and so did she. The shocked response probably had to do with him so easily admitting that insanity to a virtual stranger.
“Three.” Linc went on as he spun my hair around the wand. “I’ve googled you, looking for naked pictures.”
Emerson snorted, shaking his head. “Hope you didn’t waste too much time on that.”
Linc pouted, his lower lip sticking out as he peered over his shoulder. “Oh, I wasted way too much time. Sadly, I didn’t find a single one.”
“Nah, man.” Emerson took a drink of his own water and screwed the cap back on. “I have a younger brother and sisters who look to me for direction. Not to mention all the kids who look up to professional athletes. The last thing I want is to be a shitty example.”
From the moment I met him, I’d seen him as a lighthearted goofball, but the more time I spent with him, the more I realized it was a façade. He was so much more. Responsible, thoughtful, compassionate, all while maintaining the ability to make people laugh and feel good about themselves.
Linc patted my shoulder and then fanned himself. “That’s like hot dad vibe. Who knew being responsible made my dick wanna cha-cha?”
“Linc,” Mila chastised. “Not everyone gets your sense of humor. And the game’s over. You’re gonna make Emerson uncomfortable.”
“Not at all uncomfortable, bebé,” Emerson assured her.
Instantly, a pit formed in my stomach. Baby, or at least that’s what it sounded like, rolled off his tongue easily and often. He used it on women all the time. Always with the flash of a flirty smile. For years, I never even noticed that he did it. But now, as much as I tried to fight the feeling, it bothered me. I wanted to be on the receiving end of that smile and flirting. Yet he’d never used the term for me.
It wasn’t until Linc pulled on my curl and I found his eyes in the mirror that I realized I was pouting over it.
“Nah, I’m still in the relaxed phase of my social life.” Emerson chuckled.
I strained to hear every word of the quiet conversation from across the room.
“Makes sense,” Mila said. “You have enough pressure with baseball.”
“Give me ten years. I’m sure I’ll be singing a different tune. Right now, I don’t have the bandwidth for something serious.”
Linc leaned forward and brought his mouth close to my ear. “Do you hear that, Gi?”
“What?” I whispered, making eye contact in the mirror again.
“That man is primed and ready to be the rebound fling you need to put Jake so far in the review mirror it will be like he never existed.” He waggled his brows and shook my shoulder in emphasis.
I scoffed, elbowing him. “Just because he doesn’t want a relationship right now doesn’t mean he wants a fling with me.”
Linc’s deep chuckle was evil, and his eyes flashed with mischief. “Biatch, that man almost passed the fuck out when he saw you in your towel robe. Trust me. He wants to experience all the parts of you.”
“No he doesn’t. Stop it.” I locked my jaw, set on shutting him up, but I couldn’t stop my eyes from wandering to where Emerson sat on the bed, chatting easily with one of my best friends. As their conversation continued, he glanced my way and smiled, and a minute later, he excused himself to grab his clothes so he could shower.
As soon as the water was flowing in the bathroom, my friends lost their minds.
“Gi,” Mila stage whispered, eyes glued to the door like she was afraid he was going to come out. “You totally need to hook up with that guy!”
“I told you,” Linc sang, waving the hair wand in front of him.
I sighed, even as a lump lodged itself in my throat. “Stop it.”