Page 30 of The Fake Out

“So?” If they didn’t share several features already, the way he sneered the word just like she would have would be enough to make it obvious they were siblings.

A kernel of irritation hit my stomach at the idea that Chris didn’t care that she was dating again. Since the second she’d arrived, he’d been all about the team staying away, yet it was okay for some stranger to take her out?

She flung her arms out. “So? I can’t show up alone.” Her arms dropped, along with her chin. “Jake already thought I was lying.”

“You were lying,” he said with all the confidence of a guy who was aware of the facts.

She was lying. I shouldn’t smile, but I couldn’t help it. She wasn’t dating someone. Thank fuck. And also, I was an idiot. Just because she wasn’t dating someone didn’t mean I could have her.

Arms locked across her chest again, she popped one hip. “I don’t want him to know that. So if I go, it’ll have to be with my ‘boyfriend.’” She used air quotes around that last word.

“I can do it.” I couldn’t have stopped the words if I tried.

Gianna and Chris turned to me in unison, wearing matching masks of confusion.

“I’ll pretend to be the guy you’re dating.” Because that meant that, for one night, I could touch her. I could rest my hand on the swell of her hip. I could hold her hand. Whisper in her ear. Smell her perfume. Wrap her in my arms while we danced.

For one night, I could pretend I could have her.

Gianna blinked.

“I can fake it,” I assured my best friend.

“Perfect.” Chris lifted his fist up to me. “I owe you, bro.”

I shook my head, even as I tapped knuckles with him. He didn’t owe me shit. In fact, this was the opposite of that. I owed him for suggesting Gianna go with me. I’d do just about anything to be close to her, even if it was all pretense. And instead of being an obstacle in my path, he’d just given the opportunity to do it.

Fuck. I was a shitty friend.

“Are you sure?” Gianna whispered.

Chris shook his head and blew out an exasperated breath. “Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.”

She whacked him on the head. “Shut up.” When she looked my way again, still waiting for my response, her deep brown eyes were filled with so much uncertainly. It was an emotion she worked so hard to hide. And yet, in small moments like this one, it shone so brightly.

“Gianna, I’d be honored to pretend to be the lucky guy who gets to date you.”

The worry faded from her expression, and the corner of her mouth almost lifted in a smile.

My stomach flipped at the sight. Because it almost seemed like she wanted to go with me.

“Great.” Chris clapped his hands and plopped back onto the stool. “You can do his hair too.”

“What?” Gianna’s gaze shot to me.

“He needs a trim before tomorrow,” Chris said. “And he won’t have time to get in anywhere else. So you might as well.” He waved a hand at the floor. “I’ll even sweep that hair too.”

She turned hesitantly to look at me, her pleading gaze silently begging for me to give her an out. But if I agreed with Chris, then I’d get her hands on me.

“Do you mind?” I asked.

Slowly, she sucked her bottom lip into her mouth and shook her head. “Let me finish him.”

“Thanks.” I smiled, hoping she could see the earnest appreciation I felt.

With a brief nod, she turned back to her brother.

It took her another few minutes to finish up his cut, and then he and I traded places. I hadn’t put on a shirt after my shower, and a thrill shot down my spine when she fastened the cape around my neck and her fingertips brushed against the skin there. Her hands froze for one breath before her thumb rubbed just below my hairline. My heart pounded.