“It is if you knew the lengths I’d go.”

I had a hunch he would go far right then. Dive right into brutality.

But I couldn’t ask him to stand in the line of fire for me. Get involved in something he didn’t understand.

Pruitt would destroy Cody and take pleasure in it when he did.

“I’m fine.” I somehow managed to force it out, though I knew it was rasping.

Cody took another step up the porch stairs. Slowly, though there was nothing hesitant about it. “Yeah, you don’t seem so fine to me, so I think I’m going to have to stick around.”

“Leave, now, before you regret it.” Indignation poured from Pruitt. Disbelief that someone would dare stand against him.

“Nah, I’m pretty sure it’s you who’s going to regret it if you don’t get the fuck off Hailey’s property. Now step away from her before things get ugly. Trust me, they’re about to.”

Cody took the last step onto the porch.

The man was enormous where he stood towering in the night.

A massive shadow that vibrated with an aggression that thirsted to be unleashed.

Pruitt wouldn’t stand a chance against him if it got physical. Pruitt’s tactics were always more insidious.


An attack that came out of nowhere, quiet and stealthy, and you were finished before you knew what hit you.

I pleaded with my eyes for Cody to leave, my heart heaving with desperation.

Walk away. Walk away.

I would handle this. I had before. I would find a way…

Cody took another step, his boots thudding on the wood, a low rumble of thunder that promised violence approached.

Rage blistered in Pruitt’s green gaze, though I could feel his reservations, the fear that skittered across his skin.

He knew Cody was about to bring him pain.

Taking a slow step back, he released me.

I sagged against the wall, relief slamming me even though I knew better than to feel it.

This was temporary, one battle in a war that had just begun.

Pruitt’s attention swung between me and Cody, his jaw clenched in outrage and offended disbelief.

“This isn’t over, Hailey.” His words were darts, pinpoint and emphatic.

“Oh, but it is,” Cody said, massive hands in fists where he stood, refusing to back down.

Pruitt hesitated for one second more before he lifted his head like he wasn’t the one cowering, his ego taking a hit, something I knew he wouldn’t forget.

He wound around Cody, clearly trying to maintain a show of dominance when he appeared pathetic next to the man who pulsated power.

“Don’t come back around here,” Cody spouted at his retreating form.

When he stepped down onto the walkway, Pruitt turned, glaring back. The smile that stretched across his face smug and terrifying. “Ignorant fool. You have no fucking clue.”